Jeff Atkins|Formal

972 16 1

Warnings: Nothing Nastyyy

The music was blaring loudly from the large speakers in the gym, lights flickering back and forth between different colors of the spectrum, the smell of punch lingered in the air mixed with alcohol that some students had managed to sneak in.

(Y/N) sat on the bleachers with her head down, looking at her short and shiny black heels that were beginning to make her feet ache. Reaching down, she took them off and wiggled her toes for a moment before sighing and leaning back against the bleacher behind her.

She knew this was a stupid idea, attending the winter formal when she didn’t even have a proper date. Coming here with Justin Foley was a terrible idea because (Y/N) knew he had the hots for Jessica Davis, the way he looked at her and the fact that he was taking care of her right now while she was drunk said it all.

She came with a guy who had eyes for someone else, the guy she had a crush on since freshman year.

Another small sigh escaped her lips as she pushed herself up, making her way across the dance floor she winced whenever she stepped on something sticky but continued on until she was pushing past the gym doors out into the hallway.

Her lips twitched and she walked down the hall for a moment, not wanting to go home just yet so she turned the knob of the nearest classroom and stepped inside, not realizing that her eyes had been bubbling with tears. She looked around and noticed it was the science room, she could tell by the tables they had placed in the room instead of separate desks, and the periodic table poster that was hanging on top of the clock over the teachers desk.

She let go of her heels and sat down at one of the tables, laying her head down and allowing herself to sob quietly for a while.

“I’ll be right back, alright?” Jeff stood up slowly from where he had been sitting next to Clay; urging him to go ask Hannah to dance but he was to shy and embarrassed to do that.

“Where are you going?” The boy asked, his blue orbs filling with worry.

“Saw (Y/N) walk out, she looked upset. I’m gonna go find her!” He yelled over the loud music Tony was playing.

He jumped down off the bleachers and made his way towards the doors, passing by Justin who was dancing rather inappropriately with Jessica. Jeff’s eyebrows scrunched together for a moment as he remembered that Justin was (Y/N)’s date, he let it sink for a moment before his eyes widened in realization.

Jeff didn’t talk to (Y/N) a lot—unfortunately for him—but the way she talked about Justin made bells ring in his head because he knew the way she was talking about the boy meant she liked him, he knew that because it was the same way he talked about her to Clay.

He pushed past the doors and saw her entering the science room that belonged to Mr. Parker, he didn’t hesitate to jog over and go inside, but before entering he gripped the doorknob so tightly in his hands that his knuckles turned a lighter shade.

He breathed in and held his breath, the sound of muffled sobs inside made his heart ache, it made him want to go back into the dance and throw Justin into the basketball hoop.

(Y/N) deserved more than she was getting, all the guys she went out with were the definition of asshole. Monty harassed her so much and tried to touch her that she finally gave up on trying to go out on a nice date with him. Zach caused her to have a bad self esteem. And Marcus? He was only ever interested in a girl if he knew he could get laid, and Justin was just plain stupid.

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