Clay Jensen|Hot showers

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Warnings: Smut and swearing

It was a few weeks after you and Clay had your first time together. It went pretty well but it had hurt a little for you. Clay felt so bad about hurting you that you hadn’t had sex again. But you were determined to change that. You had longed for Clay to have sex with you again, but you were too afraid to initiate it or ask for it.

Today was your weekly jog session together and you picked out a sexy sports outfit; short pink shorts, a pink sports bra and a see-through white top. You had it hanging in your closet for some time and you were too shy to actually wear it. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

You heard the doorbell ring and knew it was Clay. You quickly put your hair into a messy bun and ran downstairs to open the door.

“Hey, babe, ready to go?” Clay asked as he was checking his watch. He lifted his head to look at you and his mouth fell open a bit.

“I’m ready,” you smiled happily and closed the door behind you. “Shall we?”

Clay had trouble composing himself and quickly jogged after you. You started jogging and Clay quickly caught up with you.

“New outfit?” he asked. You nodded and tried to control your breathing as you talked. “You like it?” you asked cheekily. Clay blushed while he nodded and let out a nervous laugh.

Together you ran for 15 more minutes and then took a break at a water point with a tap. You both gasped for breath as you stood still and you rested your palms on your knees to calm yourself. Clay stood behind you and was staring at you, or well, admiring the shorts so to say.

“Do you have a water bottle with you?” you asked, knowing full well he didn’t. “No, you’ll have to get water from the tap over there,” he said.

You walked towards the little tap and held your hands under it. You drank from your hands and then threw some of it in your face. You couldn’t help it that it got all over your top, right?

Clay walked over to you and also drank from his hands. When he turned around and saw you he almost choked on his water and started coughing really hard.

“You okay, Clay?” you asked innocently as you pat him on the back. “Y-yeah I-I’m fine, let’s just run further,” he stuttered and started jogging again.

You tried to keep up with him but he always ran a little ahead of you, focussing his eyes on somewhere in the distance. You tried to hide your smirk as you ran and pretended nothing was wrong.

Soon, you were at Clay’s house where you normally parted ways and you’d run the extra mile to your house.

“Well, see you tomorrow Clay,” you smiled and softly kissed him on the lips. You were about to leave, but Clay grabbed your hand.

“U-Uhm, you can shower at my place,” he asked shyly, “if you want to, that is.” he blushed.

“Sure!” you smiled and walked into the house with him. “My parents aren’t home, so we’ll have to cook dinner together,” he said as he climbed up the stairs with you. You smiled at the idea of Clay cooking dinner.

“Wait, babe, I don’t have any clothes to change into,” you stated as you started pulling your top off. “Y-you can put some of my clothes on,” he told you as he tried not to stare at your chest.

You nodded and started untieing your shoes as you sat on the toilet seat.

“I’ll leave you to shower.” he nodded to himself and started to walk out of the door.

This is your chance, you thought.

“Oh, you don’t have to? I mean, we’ve seen each other naked before, we can maybe shower together?” you asked shyly while blushing a bit.

“O-oh y-yeah okay, of course, yeah..” Clay mumbled and turned his back towards you to take off his shirt, shoes, socks and shorts. You were so entranced by looking at him that you forgot to take off your own clothes. You quickly pulled off your shorts and socks and stood up.

You were both facing each other in your underwear now and you giggled a bit. You removed your bra and let it fall down on the floor. He removed his boxers and stepped out of them. He quickly stepped into the shower to turn on the water.

Your panties were on the floor quickly and you stepped into the shower as well.

Clay stared at your body for a minute, not with a hungry gaze, but the most loving look. The nerves you didn’t know were building up, disappeared. “Well, ladies first,” he stated and put you under the shower head in front of him. His hands stayed on your shoulders.

As the warm water hit your face you felt Clay soaping up your shoulders, arms and neck. Soon, he was massaging your neck and shoulders and you moaned at the good feeling.

Clay sighed into your hair and started kissing you just behind your earlobe. This time it was you who sighed and you turned your head more towards him. He started kissing your neck and you braced your hands on the wall in front of you.

“You were such a tease today,” he whispered as his hands started to wander over your body, “the shorts and the bra, I wanted to rip them off your body the moment I saw you.”

You moaned at his words and his actions. Clay turned you around and you pulled him closer. The water hit you both on the head and you passionately kissed.

“Before it gets too hot in here, we should get you cleaned up,” you smirked after you broke the kiss and started to lather up soap in your hands. Your hands wandered over his chest, shoulders and arms. You bit your lip and started sinking to your knees in front of him.

“Y/N, you don’t have to do this if you don’t-“ but you interrupted him by softly kissing the tip of his manhood.  “Fuck, babe.” Clay sighed and threw his head back. You started to suck his dick and he held your head while you went up and down his length.

After a while, he stopped you and pulled you up. He kissed you passionately and his fingers ended up at your slit. Your head rested on his shoulder as you sighed and moaned into him.

“You sure about this, Y/N? I don’t want to hurt you again,” he asked you worriedly. You smiled at him lazily and nodded at him. “I want this, Clay. I want you.”

Clay turned off the shower and picked you up over his shoulder. You screamed in joy and Clay threw you on the bed. He immediately got on top of you and started fondling your breasts as he kissed you. After having kissed you thoroughly he kissed all over your body. Starting at your forehead, shoulders, breasts, lower tummy, thighs and ankles. You never felt this loved in your life.

“I love you, Y/N” Clay whispered as he hovered over you and got you ready.

“I love you too, Clay.”

Very carefully, Clay slid into you. “Is this okay, baby? Am I hurting you?” he asked worriedly as your face scrunched up, but not in pain.

“No, no, it feels good, keep going,” you moaned.

Clay smiled and slid in further till he was all the way inside you. Normally, Clay was very composed but you noticed he was letting loose as he moaned loudly and started rocking his hips. One hand was gripping his hair and the other his hip. “Harder,” you managed to choke out.

He thrust up harder and you felt your orgasm build up in your body like fire under your skin.

One of your legs was thrown over his shoulder and you felt yourself orgasm hard. You choked out a moan and gripped his hair harder. After a couple more thrusts, Clay came as well.

He rolled off of you and laid next to you, lazily stroking your tummy. You smiled up at him and then started giggling. He started laughing as well and then the both of you were crying your eyes out of laughter.

“Seems like we need another shower”


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