Bryce Walker|Give it to me

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Warnings: light smut and swearing


"Give me my pen back Bryce."
"What's the magic word?" "Fucking now"

He snatched the pen from your hand, making you whip around to your right in order to face him. "Hey, give it back!" You pouted, holding out your hand expectantly.

He smirked. "Sorry babe, no can do."

You glowered at him. "Bryce, please? I need to write notes."

He shook his head. "No, you were tapping it annoyingly and so you can earn it back."

You narrowed your eyes as he moved the hand holding your pen to the other side of him. You looked over to the teacher, seeing her grading a students work at her desk.

"Bryce," You dared. "Give me my pen back." You tried reaching for his pen but he grabbed that in time, taking it away from your reach.

"What’s the magic word?" He sang, the cockiest smirk lifting his lips.

"Now." You sassed back, reaching across his lap to his hand beside his leg. You accidentally grazed his pants, eliciting an almost moan, as he caught himself in time from embarrassing you both.

His free hand grasped your arm straight away and you looked up to him, a smug smirk set on your face.

"Stop," He muttered, eyes meeting yours. "Or else."

"Or else what?" You whispered, daring him.

His hand went from your arm to your thigh instantly, you almost let out a squeak at the nerves running up your spine. He watched your eyes as he continued to slide his warm hand up, smirking as your eyes change.

"Don’t," You muttered. "Because you’ll regret it."

He quirked a brow. "Will I?"

You parted your legs as he trailed his fingers to the left, running along your skin, teasing you. Your stomach was bubbling with excitement, watching Bryce’s eyes turn darker. He cupped your heat in his hand. A moan almost erupting from your lips as you closed your eyes, your other hand coming up to cover your mouth.

"B-Bryce," You breathed, eyes opening to meet his. He was already looking at you, moving his hand so his palm was rubbing against you. "B-Bryce, we’ll get caught."

He shrugged. "Not if we’re smart enough," He whispered. "And you’re pretty smart."

Your hand came back down, resting on his lap. He only rubbed you harder, daring you to start on him, and so you did. He dropped his head onto your shoulder as your hand moved against his pant clad cock.

"Fuck you." He muttered into your shoulder.

"Please do."


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