Alex Standall|Pregnant

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Warnings: Fluff Period talk and mentions of sex

You were late—two weeks late, to be exact. You’d kept a calendar, charted every day that you were supposed to be expecting. By the third, you’d told yourself it was just a minor delay. On the seventh, you figured it was just stress. When the fourteenth came and went, you’d convinced yourself that you were pregnant.

    You weren’t a promiscuous girl by any means. As you thought back on what might have caused it, there was really only one reason; Alex Standall.

    The phone felt a million miles away as you sat silently in the living room, sprawled out on the couch with a hand flat across your stomach. You decided then and there that even if Alex wanted nothing to do with you or the baby, you’d raise it right. Because if it had even the slightest chance of being like its father, you were willing to give up everything.

    You steeled yourself, climbing off of the couch and snatching the phone up quickly. You dialed Alex’s number before you could change your mind, chewing nervously on your lower lip as you waited for him to answer.

    “Y'ellow,” he answered, as usual, sounding bright and bubbly.

    “Blue,” you replied shakily. “Hey, Alex.”

    “Hey, Y/N. Is something wrong?” he asked.

    “Kind of. Maybe? I don’t know,” you whispered.

    He paused for a short moment. “I’m coming over.”

    Barely twenty minutes later you were greeting him at the door, taking in how his eyebrows had knitted with worry, and his skin had gone pale.

    “Are you breaking up with me?” he questioned. “If you are, just tell me.”

    “No.” You shook your head. “But you might be breaking up with me pretty soon.”

    He scoffed. “I doubt it.”

    You led him inside, sitting him down at the kitchen table. After slipping into the chair opposite him, you cleared your throat, trying to come up with just what you were going to say. There had to be a better way of telling your boyfriend that he might be a daddy.

    “Alex,” you began. “Do you remember a couple of weeks ago when we… you know?”

    “I’m not following,” he said slowly.

    “Oh, come on,” you mumbled. “You know what I’m talking about. When we had that big fight at Zach’s eighteenth birthday party. We went upstairs to talk in private and ended up-”

    His eyes widened. “Ohh. Yeah, I know what you’re talking about. What about it?”

    “I haven’t had my period in a while,” you replied.

    He froze, eyes locked with yours. “Are you sure?”

    “Alex, I think I’d know if I was bleeding out of my-”

    “No, I meant,” he interrupted. “Are you sure it isn’t just taking a while to happen this time? There are more things that make women late than just pregnancy, right?”

    “Yes, but by two weeks?” You sighed. “We didn’t use protection that night.”

    He was speechless.

    “Listen,” you said. “If this is the real thing, I’m not going to get rid of it. I’m going to have this baby, and if you don’t want anything to do with it… then I won’t tell anyone it’s yours.”

    He stood abruptly, chair flying backwards and hitting the ground with a thwack. He crossed the distance between the two of you, scooping you up into his arms. “Don’t ever think I’d do that to you. I love you.” He placed a soft kiss on your cheek. “If you’re really pregnant, then that baby is ours. I couldn’t give less of a fuck about what anyone thinks.”

    You laughed, bringing a hand up to hide the goofy grin that had spread across your face. “I love you too, Alex. You’re the best boyfriend anyone could ever have.”

    He was just about to lean in for another kiss when you broke away. A dull, twisting cramp had struck right around your ovaries. You rushed to the bathroom, checking to see if it had finally happened. And it had.

    “OH MY GOD, ALEX,” you yelled.

    He was right on the other side of the door, sounding panicked. “WHAT? WHAT’S WRONG?”

    You squealed. “I’M NOT PREGNANT.”


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