Justin Foley|Crying

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Warnings:None yeettt

“Justin, are you listening to me?!” You shouted loudly to catch your best friend’s attention. You were repeating your Maths lesson as he failed the surprise test that you had few days before.

“Jesus! I am.” He shook his head with his furrowed eyebrows. He was having some deep thoughts in his head and you couldn’t seriously blame him for that. He unleashed a very long and heavy sigh as he started to tap the tip of his pencil on the table. His fingers moved as fast as they could and the continuous annoying sound made you feel disturbed and nervous.

“Stop, Justin!” You snatched the pencil from his hand and you threw it carelessly on your study table. “What the hell is happening to you?” You already knew that he had something in his head. Just the fact that he asked you and not Jessica, your best friend’s girlfriend, if he could stay for the night already gave you a feeling that he had some problems to deal with.

“Seth!” He spat the name of his mother’s boyfriend as if it was a deathly poison in his mouth. He was disgusted, since he hated the guy so much.

“Did he hurt you again?” You quickly felt bad for shouting at him few moments ago and you suddenly worried for what he had gone through in his unpleasant house. Only those prison walls perfectly knew what he was going through.

“He did, but that wasn’t the thing. Don’t worry.” He straightened his face and he looked at you, closing your opened notebooks and Math books on the desk. “I can handle him.”

“You surely don’t.” You click your tongue in annoyance and disappointment. You saw the black and blue bruises on his arms and you hated the man more than Justin hated him.

Seth used drugs and he would always be high. He would sometimes be happy, but, most of the times, he would punch Justin for no reason. He also stayed in Foley’s residence, with Justin and his mother, acting like it was his house. He would act like how he wanted and he would treat Justin poorly, as if he was just some sort of shit.

“No, don’t mind that.” He covered his arms with his varsity jacket and he made his way through your bed. “Seth is just a part of my shitty life.”

“Jus!” You pouted as you followed him, totally forgetting the test that Justin had for the next day. You stayed under your thick covers as the air conditioner gave you some sort of cold feeling and shivers. “What are you thinking about?”

“Life sucks!” He simply responded as he faced you and wrapped his arms around your waist delicately, not wanting to hurt you. You were just best friend’s, but you considered sleeping together a normal thing, since it was a habit that you used to do when you were both still young. The only person who stopped you from doing such thing was Jessica and they would always fight whenever Justin would ask you if he could crash in your house.

“I know, Jus,” you nodded as you lingered the warmth that his body emanated. “but you also know that I am always here for you, right?”

“I know and I thank you for that.” He flashed you a broken smile. You loved Justin’s sweet smile, but you would never like his sad and forced smile. He was really sad and you, honestly, would love to stand up for him in front of his mother and her boyfriend. “Mostly when Jessica isn’t by my side anymore.”

“Huh?” You distanced your face from his to look into his deep bluish green glossy eyes. You couldn’t understand him that you wanted to look for some answers in his sincere eyes. “What do you mean?”

“She,” He bit his lower lip, totally trying to stop the tears he had in the corner of his beautiful eyes. You started to understand why he was having too many thoughts in his mind in the past few days. You knew how much he loved Jessica and he surely loved her to death. “she broke up with me.”

Justin wasn’t a boy who had everything, but he would do anything for her, even when he had nothing to give. He was your dream boyfriend, because you saw the gentleman character that was in him. No one ever treated you like that way he treated Jessica and you envied her for that, but you never hated on her.

“What?” Your eyes grew wide and Justin’s tears started to stream down his lovely face. He loved the girl so much that he couldn’t let her go and only God knew how hurt he was for what she had done.

We’re not together anymore.” He managed to say in between of his uncontrollable sobs. You wiped the hot tears from his red cheeks and you pulled him into a tight hug. “She loves someone else.”

“Damn, Jus!” You felt that he hugged you back, tighter than your embrace. You let him cry and let his resentments out, not caring if your shirt or your pillow get wet for his tears. After all, he just needed somebody to lean on. “I’m sorry.”

“Not your fault.” He whispered and you rubbed his back as his breathing became heavier and difficult to deal with. “Thank you, instead.”

“I am always here, Jus. Don’t thank me.” You left a soft and gentle kiss on his temple as you tried to comfort him with your actions.

After all, Justin was a sensitive guy, still with an unhappy heart, nevertheless his corny jokes and contagious laughs. Justin used his heart to love someone who didn’t appreciate his good intentions. Justin had a good heart, even though he was known as the asshole jock of your school. He was strong, but he also needed his anchor.

The anchor who kept on saving him all the time, the one who kept on saving the ship. He also needed a shoulder to cry on and somebody to lean on, whenever thunder storms would try to destroy him. And that somebody was you. It was you and always you would be the one, because you has always appreciated him and loved him, as best friends or not.

Beyond everything, you were best friends and you would never let him down. He didn’t deserve another disappointment and he needed nothing but love and a crying shoulder. You were always happy to help him and you were grateful that he asked help from you.

You were best friends and best friends accepted everything: flaws, weaknesses and tears. That night you accepted his broken heart and his tears, giving your comforting touch and your shoulders to cry on.


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