Scott Reed| Home videos 1

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Warnings:Smut swearing and nasty shitt

“God, you’re perfect.” Scott praised, running a hand down my spine, pushing my face further into the duvet, his hips still keeping up their agonizing and tortuous thrust. “I love your body,” He moaned, striking my ass with the same hand, “I love how full your hips are,” His hands grab my hips, nails digging into them as he gripped them tightly. “I love how with each thrust, your ass jiggles, no matter how hard it is.” I feel his hand run over my ass before he delivers quick strikes to both of them. “I love how your pussy is always so ready for my cock,” I can’t see him, but I know he’s angling the small camera he held, at the view as he pulled out, completely out and slammed back in, moving my body up the bed a little. “I love how wet you get when I touch you,” He pulls his cock out and slaps it against my slit, the sound of his shaft making my wet skin, filling my ears. “I love how pretty and pink your pussy is,” He pushes back into me again, slowly, chuckling at my plea for him to go faster. “I love how needy you are for me, how easy it is to get you to beg for me.” His hand steadies on my hip again, as he continues to slowly push his hips against my ass.

“Scott, would you please go faster, I am begging you,” I repeated for what seemed like the tenth time tonight, looking over my shoulder to find the camera pointed directly at my face.  I roll my eyes and turn back around, “You promised if I let you record me again, you’d do what I wanted, and what I want is for you to go faster!”  I groan, trying to push my hips back against his hoping to quicken the pace, but a hard smack on my ass puts me back into my place, Scott most likely grinning at how easy it was to get me to back down.

“I’m going away to collage in a year, would you please let me savor my woman.” Scott sighs, pulling out to slap his shaft against my slit again, giggling at my whimpering. “Now as I was saying…” He hisses, sliding back into me. “I love every inch of you, naked, clothed, you’re so beautiful.” He kisses down my spine, before laying on top of me completely, covering my body with his, the camera in front of us, pointed at both our faces, “Now I’m finished.” He smiles sweetly, pecking my cheek, “And the real fun can begin.” He sets the camera on the nightstand and sits up again, my back cold at the sudden disappearance of his heat. He grabs my hair and pulls my back flush against his chest, progressively quickening his thrusts,“You look good getting fucked…” He chuckled darkly into my ear, one of his hands grabbing my chin, pointing my face toward the camera, “Now smile for the camera.” He lets go of my chin and snakes his hand down my body, stopping to grope my tits, Pinching and rolling my nipples between his fingers, “I forgot to mention I love how sensitive your nipples are. If it was possible, I believe you could cum from just that alone.” He teases and continues to move his hand down my body, pushing it up against my navel, with a low whistle, “I can’t wait to watch this video, the perfect view that camera has of watching me pound into this tight little pussy.” His fingers finally wander down to my clit, his middle finger rubbing figure eights on it. “When you cum, ah, fuck! I want you to-shit!-I want you to, I want you to look right into the-god yes!-the camera." Scott struggles to get the sentence out as I begin to clench around him, and I feel like I’ve accomplished something small. “Can you do that baby? Can you look directly at the camera for me?”

“Yes, Daddy!” I screech, nails digging into my thighs, eyes watering as he continued to mercilessly pound at my tight little pussy, “Whatever you want me to do,” My head hangs and my eyes look at the camera, my nails breaking the skin of my thighs as I cum around him without any warning. Scott clicks his tongue and pushes me back down onto the bed, his fingers still rubbing over my sensitive bundle of nerves, his hips still pounding into me.

“You look so good taking my cock,” He grunts, using both his index finger and middle finger to rub my clit, “The noises you make always make me throb, I love those fucking noises.” His hand reaches down and he directs my face toward the camera, “I love how you can always take more than one orgasm, how you just let me fuck you until you can’t even think, how you let me fill you with my cum-” Scott stops talking as his hips stutter, his orgasm finally approaching him. He lays over me, and slowly thrusts inside of me, fucking his seed inside of me. “I love-fuck!-I love how-ah shit!-I just-ah yes!-I just love you.” He finally spits out, as his fingers rub me toward my second orgasm of the night. My body spasms, skin tingling, toes curling, my mind blanking as moan after moan leaves my lips. “Thatta girl,” He praises, still slowly thrusting in and out of me.

“Scott,” I whine, and he knows what I want. He rolls off of me and allows me to settle myself into the bed as he grabs the camera, blowing a kiss at it and winking before turning it off.

“Thank you Baby,” He smiles and climbs in under the covers next to me,

“You’re welcome but that’s the last time we do that,” I breathe, reaching over to turn off the lights,

“You said that last time, and the time before last and the time before last…” He trails off, waiting for me to get the point.

“You are such a little shit, go to sleep.” He snuggles his face into my neck,

“At least you love me,”


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