Clay Jensen|Reunited

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Warnings: Smut Virginity loss and Fluff


As I walk through the doors of my new dorm room of my collage I can't help but feel a sickly excitement, New People,New rules, New me.

I make my way out of Professor Jameson's class I start to think collage isn't really as fun as I thought my first day already sucked. Oh well guess I better suc--

"Clay"! I said wide eyed accidently too loud causing him and others to turn around.

Let's start from the start, When I was 15 I had everything I could want amazing friends amazing life and the best boyfriend I ever had.....Clay Jensen, That all came crashing down when my dad decided to tell me when had to move because he got a promotion at work. The last words I ever said to Clay were goodbye.

"Oh my god y/n"! Clay said as he ran over to me. "What on earth are you doing here?" I asked "Believe it or not y/n people can get smart" he smiled "Hmm and it looks like you grew out of you shyness" I say laughing

"Nope still all here I'd love to talk but I have to get to my next class can't be late" he said "who do you have now"?
"Professor Fergus, But could you give me your number we need to catch up again"

I gave him my number and walked to class thinking how the hell was I so lucky to reconnect with my best friend after this long!

Time skip 8pm
Messages between Clay and you

Clay: Hey what are you doing now?

All that ran though my head is should I answer immediately or leave it for five minutes darn it!

Y/n: Oh hey just studying my first day was literally the worst.

Clay: Well I mean if you wanna come talk to me about it my dorm room number is 908 but I mean if you don't want too it's fine.

Y/n: Lmao id love to Clay give me like 30 minutes.
Read at 8:15pm

"I played it so cool but inside I'm dying but I feel like he just wants to be friends"I tell my roommate

"Y/n stop being dumb okay you got this why would anyone invite someone over at this time if they didn't want some smooth loving" She laughed I smiled "Ugh your gross get out"

But then I realised what if she was right and he did want sex...Im a virgin what the fuck will I do now?!

I got showered put on some high waist skinny jeans with a crop top and sneakers and headed to Clays dorm.

I knock twice on the door 'Y/n your here'! Clay said happily "How could I not someone's offering me a shoulder to cry on about how I hate collage so much already I had to take the offer I laughed"

Time skip to 12am because I'm lazy af

"Do you remember the good old times"? Clay said out of the blue, "Oh yeah we were some cute couple" I say smiling "You know I really do wish you never left something amazing could have happened with us he says looking sad.

I grab his face and say it's never too late, Everything happened relatively quickly from there. Clay's hands went around my back, lifting me so my legs were wrapped around his waist, and his fingers wrapping around the backs of my thighs. His mouth was on mine and I felt my back hit the wall. Clay's lips went to my neck, sucking harshly at the skin until purple bruises adorned it. My hands went to his sweater, almost ripping the fabric just to get it off of him.

" My room," I panted, my hands tangled in Clay's hair while he sucked harshly at the collarbone peeking out of my tank top. He adjusted my body that was wrapped around his before making his way to the stairs, carrying me up them. I felt my back hit my mattress and Jughead was on top of me, his legs on either side of my waist and his hands already under my shirt. His had already been tossed over a chair in my room.

I flipped us over so I was on top,grinding my lower body in to his. Clay let out a low groan, his head tilting upwards at the contact. My hands made quick work unbuckling his belt, pulling it off of him quickly and unbuttoning his jeans. Clay looked at me impressed.

"Don't exept too much experience I'm a virgin" Clay said shyly I just smiled back knowing I was going to be alight

"No matter how many times more you'll do that, I'll still be pretty shocked at your skill work already." Clay's arms went behind his head, a smirk now on his face.

"Don't get too comfortable." I taunted, my hands going behind my back.

I unclasped my bra, tossing it across my room somewhere. Clay sat up quickly, his mouth already on my chest, littering my body with hickeys. He flipped us over again so he was in control, and pressed open mouth kisses down my stomach to my hips, his fingers curling under my Jeans and dragging the waistband down and off of me. My breath hitched in my throat when I felt his lips on my thigh, leaving light little kisses up them until his mouth was over the fabric of my underwear. My back arched off the mattress at the feeling, my fingers gripping the sheets until my knuckles turned white. Jughead hooked two of his digits in to the side of my underwear, pulling them slowly down my thighs.

"Clay... Clay please." I begged, not really in the mood to take things slow what kind of virgin is like this I laughed in my head. Clay pulled the fabric down the rest of my legs, and they went flinging in an unknown direction of the bedroom.Clay's head dipped down, and I was breathing intensely, my hands going to his hair and tangling in to the strands, gripping tightly.

Clay flipped the two of you so you were on top.

"Why don't you ride me? You'd look so good on top of me" You nodded, eager to finally get somewhere. You got rid of his boxers and grabbed a condom. Once everything was ready you slowly lowered yourself onto his length, You being a virgin meant you needed a little time to adjust before you started moving. Clay let out a low groan as you started moving, he clearly loved it when you rode him. He later remarked you looked absolutely stunning like that, seeing you all undone. He grabbed your hips to guide you and soon you were bouncing on him, The two of you were moaning loudly, both feeling an intense amount of pleasure.

"You look so good bouncing on me like that, and you're all mine aren't you" You nodded ''I'm all yours and only yours baby'' you breathed, He brought his hand to your clit for extra stimulation and it didn't take long before you were close again "I think I'm gonna.." "Cum for me" That was all it took for you to orgasm. It was one of the most powerful orgasms you had probably because it was your first. And Clay came soon after. You rolled off of him and looked at him, the two of you panting. "That was amazing" He grinned and pulled you against him "You are amazing" He kissed the top of your head "I've always loved you y/n" You smiled drew patterns on his chest "I love you too Clay"

"About that whole I'm only yours thing where you serious?" "Of course I'd love to be your boyfriend again if you'd have me" Clay said smiling.

"Of course Clay I'd love nothing more"

And that's how I got my first love back.


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