Jeff Atkins|A miracle

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Warnings: Car crash (could be a trigger for some) Almost death fluff and a short story

Clay didn’t know what to do, so he did the first thing that came to mind: call you. He didn’t know how this happened, and he called 911 the moment he saw the tragic scene. “Hello?” You answer the phone.

“Y/N! It’s me Clay.”

“I know, I have caller ID.”

“No time for jokes. Look something happened, there was car crash and Jeff is hurt. Oh my god, Y/N please just come.” Clay spoke quickly, almost too quick for you to function. But once you heard Jeff was hurt, you froze, you quickly asked where Clay was and you rushed to your car.

When you arrived at the scene, you saw the ambulance leave. “Clay what the hell happened?” You asked angrily. “What?! I don’t know! I’m just as lost as you are.” You sigh, motioning Clay to get in your car. “Let’s just get to the hospital.” Clay nodded and he jumped into the front seat. You started the car and drove towards the direction that lead to the hospital.

You and Clay sat in the waiting room. Clay was an anxious mess but you could’t blame him, you were in the same state as him. “Clay, can you tell me what happened?” Clay sat down next to you and began to speak. “I went to the party with Jeff and everyone was drinking and partying. Then we ran out of beer and Jeff said he was gonna go on a beer run. Jeff wasn’t drinking he was sober. I left the party and walked and then I saw the crash. Then I called 911 and you.” When he finished speaking, Clay could see the hurt in your eyes.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself y/n.” Clay said, putting a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “I shouldn’t have stayed home. I should’ve been with Jeff, this shouldn’t have happened.” You rant. “But if you did go with him, there would be a chance that you could’ve gotten hurt too or even worse, died. Y/N, don’t be guilty for this. Jeff will be fine y/n.” You give Clay a smile before thanking him.

A doctor approached you and Clay, telling you good news. “Jeff is alive but he has some major injuries and will need to stay here.” You immediately feel relief and after 30 minutes of waiting, you and Clay made your way to the room that Jeff was in. You sat in the chair that was next to the bed, looking over Jeff’s features. His arms and face was nearly covered with small cuts, his leg was bandaged. You wanted to cry at the sight of him, god the mere thought of losing him made you cry.

You decided to stay at the hospital, you texted your parents ahead of time so they wouldn’t worry. Clay stayed with you for 2 hours before leaving. You watched whatever was on tv and talked to an unconscious Jeff, pretending that he could actually hear you. “I remembered when I first met you, it was at a party actually. It’s funny, I hate going to parties, but my friends dragged me along.”

“I was making my way through the cramped crowd and i bumped into you, and you ended up spilling your drink on me.” You laughed softly at the thought. “But you apologized and helped clean me up and you asked how you could make it up. I told you over a date. I never knew that that encounter would lead to this, I’m happiest when I’m with you. I think I love you Atkins.” You finished, placing your hand on top of his. You carefully lift his hand to your lips, placing a gentle kiss on them. “I love you.”

Jeff eventually woke up, he looked over at a clock, which read 4 am. He rubbed his eyes, slightly sitting up. He looked around, taking in his surroundings. “What the hell?” He quietly murmured to himself. He quickly noticed your sleeping figure. You were sitting in the chair next to the bed, your head laid on the hospital bed. Jeff moved to wake you up, gently shaking you awake. “You’re awake.” You spoke, giving him smile. “What happened?” He asked.

“You got in a car crash. I was so scared that you weren’t gonna make it.” You said, feeling tears form. “It’s okay y/n. I’m here to stay, you can’t get rid of me that easily.” Jeff spoke, carefully bringing you into a hug. “I love you Atkins.” You spoke into his chest, your voice muffled. Jeff was shocked to hear those words, you haven’t been going out long, only a couple of months.

But the moment those words left your lips, Jeff felt a wave of relief. He couldn’t be happier, he was hit with the realization that he was in love with you. And it was the best feeling in the world. “I love you too y/l/n. I love you too.”


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