Scott Reed|Couldn't stop it

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Warnings: Bryce being a cunt fluff short story and physical violence

“C’mon, don’t you wanna come to the clubhouse?” He grabbed your waist. You tried to pull away but Bryce wouldn’t let you go. “It’ll be fun, trust me” 

“I…I have some tutoring to do after class so…” You looked around the hall, there was no one there to help you and you didn’t know what to do. You had been avoiding Bryce ever since all these rumors about him raping Jessica started. He had tell everyone that he didn’t do anything, but you didn’t buy it.

“Then come after that. I can wait.” Bryce looked at your lips for a while before getting closer to you.

You dropped the books you were holding which made him pull away. You got down to pick them up and ran away with a quick “Can’t, bye”.

It had been two days since that moment and you hadn’t gone back to school, you were afraid of facing him again. And you were afraid of seeing Scott. He’d send you several texts, he called you a few times and he even came to your house. But you pretended that you weren’t home. 

You just weren’t ready to see him; you weren’t ready to tell him what you had decided to do. Scott was friends with Bryce so you didn’t want him to find out but you couldn’t just be with him like nothing had happened either. How would he react if you told him? If he got angry with Bryce and did something then Bryce would go after him and he would make Scott’s life impossible. You didn’t want that to happen. So you had reached a conclusion, you had to break up with Scott.  

But now you were standing in the hall, back at Liberty High, and there was no way of hiding from your boyfriend. He was walking his way down the hall to your locker.

“Hey babe” he said giving you a quick kiss “Are you okay? I haven’t heard from you in two days, I was worried.”

“Yeah, it’s just uh…I needed some time for myself”

“Why? Did something happen?”

“I don’t really want to talk about it here, can we go outside?” He nodded and you started walking towards the door. Scott tried to grab your hand like he used to do but you didn’t let him. Once you were outside the school you started talking. “I have been thinking a lot lately and I need us to be apart for a while. I…I can’t…” You were on the verge of tears and the hurt look that you saw in his eyes made it more difficult.

“But what happened? What did I do? Cause if I did something that could’ve hurt you I…” You didn’t let him finish. Breaking his hurt was breaking yours and you couldn’t be there anymore.

“You didn’t do anything. But I just need you to give some time. I can’t explain why you’ll just have to trust me” With that being said, you walked away giving him no time to give you an answer.

A week had gone by since you broke up with Scott and it had been really hard for you. Seeing at school and having to ignore him was breaking your heart and it sure was breaking his. You were starting to wonder if you had made a good choice, maybe it’d be better if you just told him the truth. You felt kind of lost without him and you really missed him.

You were having lunch with Jess and Alex with all the jocks sitting on the table next to yours. You could basically hear their conversation which suddenly caught your attention since you heard your name.

“So what happened with Y/N, Scott? We haven’t seen her around for a while now” asked Bryce.

“We broke up” said your ex-boyfriend in a sad tone that made your heart hurt.

“No wonder you did” answered Bryce almost laughing.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, she didn’t even want to come to the clubhouse so…You should find yourself a funny girl Reed”

“What?! You invited her there?! I told you I don’t like this place and I don’t think she’d like it either” Oh no, Scott was starting to sound pissed off.

“I just wanted her to have some fun man, relax”

“Yeah, with you” whispered Montgomery laughing. But Scott was close enough to hear him.

“Did you do something to her” Scott asked angrily.

“He couldn’t” replied Montgomery again with Bryce giving him a killer look.

“But you tried” said Scott.

“I mean, I may have tried to kiss her but…” started to say Bryce.

“You fucking asshole” screamed Scott standing up to get closer to him. Before Bryce could even react, Scott had already punched him in the face.

“Wow wow man what do you think you’re doing?” screamed Montgomery getting prepared to fight Scott.

“Giving that piece of shit what he deserves” replied Scott hitting Bryce again and harder this time.

The whole cafeteria was staring at them as Bryce and Montgomery fought back while some of the other jocks tried to get in their way and stop the fight. But Scott wasn’t going to stop either; he was determined to beat the crap out of Bryce. But he was already bleeding and you weren’t willing to let him get even more hurt so you got up to stop him at the same time the coach was arriving to stop the fight.


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