Monty De La Cruz|Tied

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Warnings: Smut and swearing

I think long and hard till this day about my decision I made 3 months ago. It was a simple yes or no question that he had asked me. Who could this possibly be ? You may wonder, it was the all too famous and every ones favourite Montgomery De La Cruz.

Monty and I have been good friends since 7th grade, lately this year he has given me a lot more attention which I would never know why. He started teasing me and throwing harsh remarks; which people say that when guys tease you its because they have a crush on you, could this be true ? Montgomery de la Cruz having a crush on (Y/N) (Y/L/N) ? Well, could us being friends with benefits be considered that Monty has taken a liking to me ?

It all started 3 weeks ago. Before that my life was the same old coming to school being teased by Monty and laughed at by his gang. Jessica was a good friend of mine and always told me to never take him seriously because he had grown to be cocky. I tried to brush it off but after a while his words started to hurt more by the day. I’d hoped that life would get better and I would get stronger but I was weak, that too I didn’t want to make my problem an issue for others. I’d cry myself to sleep on certain nights to free the pain but it didn’t help either.

I was sitting in the cafeteria with Jessica and Hannah, we were just talking about arranging times to do our group assignment until we were disrupted by Monty's daily remarks. “Oh boys would you look at that lonely fat shit sat between Hannah and Jess. Of course she’d sit with our girls because she can’t make friends of her own. Attention seeking bitch” he spat. I looked down at my lap and dug my nails onto my arm in hopes to not think about Monty's words. Does he think teasing me will distract people from finding about our ‘relationship’ ?

I hadn’t realised a tear left my eye until it dropped onto my arm. I looked back up at Monty to see his face soften when he saw mine. “Monty why don’t you shut the fuck up and leave her alone” Hannah said. I stood up from my seat “Excuse me” I murmured loud enough for just the girls to hear me and walked right pass the group of jocks with now probably bloodshot eyes. As I pushed pass the double doors of the cafeteria and into the empty hallways I cried out harder. Every time I would wipe a tear, another had dared to fall. I couldn’t control my emotions, today Monty had crossed the line. I made my way down the hall and into the parking lot, picking up my pace to get to my car.

Heavy footsteps were heard behind me but I hadn’t bothered to see who it was since I was more interested in leaving. I pressed the unlock button on my car key from afar, opening up the car door my hand was stopped. I looked at the face that I last wanted to see. “Leave me the fuck alone Monty. You’re the last person that should even bother to be here right now. What did you come here for ? To hurt me with your words because it’s almost the same as hurting me with a knife” I left him speechless. He looked back at me and was at a loss for words. “I thought so. Now excuse the fat shit that is about to leave before she runs you over” I said lastly, getting into the car and speeding off home.

My parents ran their own business and since they were always so busy traveling overseas or coming home late, then their was never really time for me to have a proper conversation about what’s going on in my life.

I ran into my house and upstairs to my bedroom as I balled my eyes out. I can’t believe I fell for an asshole like him, what the hell is my problem ? I filled myself up a nice hot bath with a few beautiful scented candles and threw in a bath bomb to soak myself in. As I got into the bath it was as if I forgot about all my worries and pain. I went through my phone and found numerous messages from Hannah, Jessica and Monty. I froze in the bath when I read Monty’s message “I’ll be at your house in 10”, that message was sent 8 minutes ago. He’ll easily make his way in if I don’t allow him. I mentally slap myself as I realised I didn’t lock the door. I don’t want to deal with him ever again and right now I don’t want to see him, I’d just like some alone time.

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