Justin Foley|Sneaking off

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Warnings: Hardcore smut, Rough, Swearing, and a slight daddy kink

“I wish I could control myself better around you,“ Justin huffed against my lips, his fingers working on the buttons of my blouse, once being dissatisfied with not being able to undo them quick enough, the just rips the blouse, buttons falling to the floor. Hands grab my tits and push and pull them apart, his teeth nibbling at the exposed clevage. "but when I see you,” He pauses, ripping his shirt over his head, hands sporting my thighs as I jump to wrap my legs around his waist, “all I want to do is rip your clothes off and fuck you.” He groans, fingers pushing my panties to the side so he can push his cock into my slick cunt, the sound of my tight hole swallowing him the only sound in the quiet room, our breaths bated.

“Daddy, you feel so good,” I gasp in his ear, arms circling around his neck, “So you like my big cock in your tight little pussy,” He pulls at the hair at the nape of my neck, His other one, around my neck.

“You’re so tight,” He hisses, leaning up against my body, pinning me against the door to hold me up, “So warm,” He whines, head falling to my neck, teeth nibbling at random patches of skin to keep him quiet, “So wet around my cock,” I whimper in his ear, nibbling on the lobe to also busy my mouth, “every time I fuck you,” He’s slamming up into me, a thin layer of sweat forming on his body from the hard work he’s done. “I can never get enough of you, I always come back.” His hands find my thighs again and he pulls away from my body, and I do the same, slamming myself the door, too lost in my own pleasure to care about the loud sound that was made. “You’ve got to keep quiet, don’t want the guys to notice we snuck off so I could fuck you,” I roll my eyes, digging my nails into his shoulders, smiling at the hiss of pain he makes. “Two can play at the game,”  He cocks his head to the side, digging his nails into the soft flesh of my ass, eyes waiting for my reaction,

“Jokes on you, I like pain,” I lick my bottom lip and wink at him, the action taking him a little off guard, “Now, stop with the foolishness and fuck me,” I reach down, skillfully rubbing figure eights over my clit, soft pants leaving my lips. “I’m so close,” I warn him, clenching around his cock,

“Me too,” His eyes shift down to where he was fucking me, brows drawn in concentration, “So fucking close,” My fingers begin to move in quicker circles on my clit, knowing when Justin was close, Justin was close.

“Shit!” My hips jerk into his, walls squeezing his cock as I came, toes curling against his lower back, “Shit, shit, fuck-” I hand my head on his shoulder, silencing my string of curses by clamping down on his collarbone.

“Fuck!” Justin growls, pulling my hips closer to him, standing on his tip toes to bury himself deep inside of me, before emptying himself. My walls clench around his cock, milking him dry, eagerly taking any drop he could give, “Yes, yes, yes,” Justin’s head rolls as he sloppily thrusts himself through his orgasm. After a few seconds he lets me down, my feet touching the ground, knees nearly buckling under the weight. “I guess I am that good,” I walk over toward the mirror hanging on the closed closet and shake my head at my appearance, hair a mess, lipstick smeared, blouse ripped, skirt crooked.

“I look like a fucking whore,” I laugh, attempting to fix myself,

“Hmm, borrow my Jacket, say you spilled a drink on your blouse or whatever,” I look over my shoulder, glaring at him,

“I wouldn’t need to lie if you could keep it in your pants,”

“I didn’t hear any complaints,” He catches me there and my words are caught in my throat so I don’t respond, instead I begin looking for his jacket where ever he flung it, smiling when I find it finally. I tug it on and narrow my eyes at him,

“Now, if we may…” I try to walk past him but he grabs my wrist and spins me into his chest, letting out a low growl,

“The guys can wait, I’m ready for another round…now.”


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