Scott Reed|The last tape

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Warnings: Fluff mentions of Hannah's suicide

You made your way to your locker through the hallway, not understanding why everyone was suddenly looking at you. It was uncomfortable to have everybody’s eyes on you, you just wanted to get to your class as fast as possible. You picked your books and closed the locker. And then you saw him, Scott. You had had a crush on him for years. You had become friends eventually and he was there for you after Hannah’s death, but you would have never dared to tell him what your feelings for him were. 
He smiled at you and started to walk to you. But, all of a sudden, he changed his mind. He looked at the floor running his hand through his hair as he turned around and walked in the opposite direction. Why would he do that? Was he trying to avoid you? 
You were standing there all confused when Justin showed up. He didn’t look good, something was wrong. 
“Justin? Are you okay?” You asked.
“Well, no.” He said staring at you as if he was trying to figure something out. “Jesus you didn’t see it either, did you?” He finally said.
“See what?” You asked even more confused now.
“The tapes. Someone posted them on the internet last night” He whispered.
“Wait what?! Mine too?!” You asked trying to take in the information.
“Yeah, I’m sorry” Justin said squeezing your hand. 
“Fucking Clay” You sighed not needing to ask who had done it. 

“I guess you were wondering who this tape belongs to. Why it was different from the others” You remembered  Hannah’s voice saying. Your tape was indeed different. It didn’t have a number on it. Instead, she had written your initials in a lighter tone of blue nail polish. “It’s because you are different. You didn’t do anything wrong. I know you probably think you did but that’s not true. You always helped me and I’m sorry for not telling you everything before. I didn’t tell you about what happened at Bryce’s and I didn’t tell you about what I planned on doing because I wasn’t ready and I didn’t want you to worry. But I do want to tell you something before I go; find the happiness you deserve. I know about your crush on Scott, of course. But I also think that he haves a crush on you as well. So, be happy with him, okay? And I want you to pursue your dreams. I want you to get into NYU. I want you to write for The New York Times. Actually, do that for the both of us. I want you to be strong and fight for what you deserve because, even if I didn’t do it, I know you can. Be happy, Y/N. I love you, best friend.” You started crying as you remembered what Hannah said on your tape.

“Y/N? Y/N are you okay?” Justin asked placing his hand on your shoulder. It was lunch time and you were sitting with Clay and Justin. Having them talk about the tapes and the court reminded you of your tape.

“She didn’t want me to feel guilty but I am. How could I not notice how she felt? She was my best friend, Justin” You answered sobbing.

“Listen, you are not responsible for her death, and the best you can do for her now is to do what she told you to.” Justin said trying to comfort you.

You nodded trying to hold in the tears since everybody was staring at you and whispering things. 

“What’s wrong?” Someone asked you as they sat next to you. You looked up to meet Scott’s eyes.

“I-I uh…” You didn’t know what to say. You wanted to tell him everything and let all the tears, the guilt and the pain out but you didn’t’ want to talk there, with everyone paying attention to what you said and what you did. 

Scott removed your tears with his hands making your heart beat faster. 

“Wanna go outside to talk?” He asked as if he had read your mind. You nodded in response and Scott took you to the parking lot, holding your hand. 

“Have you heard the tapes?” You asked once you were outside.
“Yes” He said. 
“I was on them. She told me it wasn’t my fault but it is. I’m as guilty as everyone else, Scott. I should have seen how she felt. I should have helped her.” You said looking at the ground trying not to start crying again.

“You didn’t know about many of the things that happened to her. How could you have helped without knowing what she needed help with?” He said squeezing your hand, he hadn’t let go of it yet. 
“But still I should’ve at least noticed how sad she was” You said.
“People are good at hiding their feelings. Even if there are signs, we can’t read them because we expect things to be good. I don’t think anyone would have noticed either if they were you” Scott said placing his fingers on your chin and making you look at his eyes. “Hannah didn’t blame you. Trust her and don’t blame yourself."  
You hugged him which took him by surprise. But he wrapped his arms around you and ran his hand through your back, comforting you and making you feel calm. 
"Scott?” You whispered against his chest.
"There was something else on my tape. Something about you.” You said not wanting to look him in the eye.
“I know. Is it true? That you have a crush on me?” He asked. And it took you a while to gather the courage to answer that. 
“Yes, it’s true” You finally said and even if you weren’t looking at him you knew he smiled when he heard it.
“Good, ‘cause I have a crush on you too” He said. You suddenly pulled away from the heart and look at him with your eyes widening. 
“What?!” You couldn’t believe he liked you. Scott laughed. 
“Haven’t you noticed? It’s pretty obvious.” He said finding it funny that you didn’t know. Everybody had noticed and teased him about it.
“Not for me apparently” You replied.
“Well, now you know” He said pulling you closer to him. “I like you” He ended before leaning in to kiss you. A deep kiss that made your heart skipped a beat. 


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