Alex Standall|fights

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Warnings: Swearing, verbal fighting and light smut


I always and will always love my boyfriend Alex but lately I'm not so into that idea....

"Your a fucking bitch lately I hope you know that!" Alex screamed at me while I rolled my eyes "Your fucking kidding me right? Justin grabbed my ass as soon as he did I made him stop I didn't fucking ask him too you asshole!"

"Then why act the way you do and lead him fucking on then y/n? He already stole one of my girlfriends I don't need him taking fucking you!"
"Stop playing that I hate Justin because he took Jessica card you broke up with Jessica you stupid fuck! But thanks for letting me know your not over it" I say walking out the door.

It was pouring rain and all I had on were leggings and a crop top since the weather was much nicer before this suprise storm.

As I was walking to mine and Alex's special place I started realising maybe Alex isn't really a good boyfriend, I mean he just completely blamed me on someone touching me without consent.

When I got there I seen someone else at our rock. What the hell is someone else doing here at 12am? I start to walk closer and see Alex sitting on the rock crying.

Damn it he took the short cut I say to myself. He finally sees me "Y/n please wait I knew you'd be here I want to say I'm sorry" he says coming over hugging me.

"Alex I know you hate Justin I'm not his biggest fan either but please trust me he grabbed my ass I didn't ask him too and yet you blamed me." I say wiping my eyes "I was being dumb because I know you can get some much better than me and one day you might realise that and leave and I don't know what I'd do to myself if that happened."

I finally realised he just didn't want to let me go so finally I grabbed his face and had the longest kiss we've ever had he takes my small hand in his.

I initiated the kiss, as the kiss went on i straddled him and eventually pinned him down on the grass. Alex moved his hand to grab my ass making me moan lightly in his mouth. He broke the kiss to speak.

"Do you want to do it?"

"Yes." I reply as I stand up to take off my panties, but keeping my skirt on.

This would have to be a quickie because it was pouring rain but when your in the mood I guess I dosent matter.

Alex unzipped his pants, pulled them down a bit and took his member out he was obviously very excited since it was both our first time.

"Let's do it against the tree." Romantic right?


He pinned me against the tree and kissed me one more time before he picked you up and you began straddling him. I wrapped my arms around him along with my legs with my back leaning on the wall. Alex lined his dick up with me and thrusted deep inside of me. I had to bite my lip to keep myself from moaning too loud.

"Remember to be quiet we don't need anyone trying to shoot us for trespassing." Alex said laughing.

I nodded my head.

He started out slow so I could get used to the pace but quickened it when we both got used to it. It didn't take long for us to both orgasm. After cleaning up eachother we went back to his house,He asked to stay over at my house. Naturally his parents said yes so we said goodbye to everyone and went back to my house to sleep and watch movies.

The next day when we hung out with the gang again I had to explain that Alex and I had begun dating.

Just like I thought nobody was surprised but everyone was happy for us everyone but Justin.

Sorry it's so short im currently busy af with dance classes and sleeping and shit whoops.

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