Alex Standall|Blood and kisses

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Warnings: Angst mentions of blood swearing Fluff and a long ass story

“What is happening, Clay?” You asked as you dealt with the shortness of your breath. Someone called you on your phone and said that your best friend Alex was in trouble with someone in the parking lot, so you had to run from the other side of the school department to the parking lot as fast as you could.

“I really don’t know. I am trying to see what’s happening.” He answered as he was tiptoeing in his dark coloured converse. He didn’t get any positive results on what he was doing so you started to pass in the middle of the people, trying to push them slightly to give you some space.

Once you arrived at the first row of the crowd, your heart sank and your mouth slightly hung open. You covered your mouth as the happening created a little knot in your stomach and it hurt yourself.

Alex was spitting blood out of his mouth as he got some punches from the one and only Montgomery de la Cruz, who was sitting on Alex’s abdomen while he let his anger out.

“Fuck off, de la Cruz!” You pushed him with all of your strength so he would stop punching Alex’s face as if it was some sort of punching bag. “Fucking, stop!”

“Fine, I’ll stop!” He raised his hands in defense, but he kicked Alex on his stomach one more time before picking his backpack up, it was surely thrown on the ground when they started the fight.

“Damn it! Go fuck yourself!” You shouted as you wanted to bang his head on a wall thousand times.

“Montgomery, you fucking asshole.” You heard Alex swearing under his breath and whining while he was holding his stomach.

“Alex.” You quickly caressed his arm as you let him know that you were by his side. You swore that you didn’t like seeing your best friend like this. Montgomery pushed some people so he could get out of that crowd around you.

“(Y/N).” He weakly called for you as he coughed harshly, caused by the savage and terrible kicks of Montgomery. You were worried as you saw Alex spitting thick, dense and scarlet blood one more time.

“Damn, Alex.” You bit your lower lip as you felt a little bit guilty for arriving later to save him. You gave him your handkerchief so he could wipe his mouth. “Guys, go back to your classes! The show is obviously done, this was the first and last episode of let’s just fucking watch Alex to get hurt and do nothing, so stop being nosey and mind your own fucking business!” You sarcastically shouted as you hated them for not stopping the asshole before.

“It’s okay, (Y/N).” He shook it off as if nothing has happened.

“You shush!” You rolled your eyes as you picked his backpack up and hung it on your free shoulder. “C'mon.” You grabbed his hand as helped him to get up from the ground. Alex could barely stand up straight and you could say that he was suffering inside.

“Let me help you with that, (Y/N).” Zach helped Alex to maintain his balance as he saw that you were struggling to handle your best friend and you started to walk towards the school’s parking lot.

“Lex, keys?” You asked him when you stopped in front of his car.

“Here.” He shakily handed you the keys and you shook your head for the damage that Montgomery has done to your best friend. You would seriously slap that jerk. 

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