Alex Standall| Fail

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Warnings: Fluff and a short ass story

When you had been told you were failing math, the first person to pop into your head was Clay Jensen. You’d seen him tutoring Jeff Atkins all the time, and he brought him from a D average right up to a C within a month, which, while not perfect, was still enough to pass.

    So, on the night that you were supposed to be going to Monet’s with Alex, you cancelled and called up Clay. He was happy to help, and told you to meet him at, ironically, Monet’s.

    The two of you took a seat at one of the larger tables, spreading out your books until you had taken up nearly every inch. There was barely enough room for Skye to set down your drinks. Although, knowing her, she would have been fine with just throwing them on top of your papers.

    “Are you starting to get the hang of it?” Clay asked after explaining  for the millionth time how to find the area between two concentric circles.

    You gave him a blank stare, so sick of listening to him repeat the same series of numbers that you were tempted just to tell him you were. That wouldn’t help you pass the eleventh grade, though. “Not really. I just don’t understand it like that.”

    He gave you a patient smile, reaching across the table to place his hand on top of yours. “It’s okay, Y/N. I’ll just show you in a different way.”

    From a few feet away you heard someone clear their throat. You looked up, a grin widening on your face when you saw Alex. You’d thought he’d just opt for staying at home tonight. If you’d have known he was coming anyway, you might’ve dressed up a little more.

    “Alex!” you exclaimed, not bothering to pull your hand away from Clay’s. “What are you doing here?”

    He scoffed. “What am I doing here? What are you doing here? From what I remember, you called me earlier today and said you wouldn’t be able to come.”

    “I know! It’s a funny story,” you said. “I had no idea Clay was going to ask me to meet him here.”

    “Yeah, well I hope you two have fun,” he spat, turning around and heading for the door.

    You gave Clay a confused look before letting your gaze trail slowly down to your hand, still tucked underneath his. That confusion snapped to realization. “Oh no,” you said quickly, pulling away and pushing yourself to your feet. “Thanks for the help, Clay. I’ll call you again Wednesday!”

    You stuffed your things into your backpack as fast as possible, darting out of the door and towards the direction Alex had gone. You found him just as he was climbing into his car.

    “That was not what you thought it was,” you told him. “Clay is just tutoring me in math.”

    “Oh, so staring lovingly into each other’s eyes was just a part of the learning process?” he asked. He attempted to open the door, but you slammed it closed.

    “No, you jackass. I’m not trying to hook up with Clay in any way, shape, or form,” you replied. “You’re my boyfriend, and will be until either you dump me or one of us dies in a horrible accident.”

    “Poetic,” he said, sarcasm dripping from the word. “If you needed help with math, you could have just come to me.”

    “Okay,” you responded simply. He watched you as you walked around to the other side of his car, opening the door and crawling inside. You peeked through the driver’s side window, motioning for him to get in. “I need help with it now.”

    He sighed, following your lead. Once he was behind the wheel, he turned to you with an expression halfway between annoyance and adoration. “I didn’t mean to be an asshole.”

    You leaned over, kissing his cheek. “I know.”


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