Monty de la Cruz|Study buddy

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Warnings: None

You were sitting on the bleachers of the gym doing some homework and waiting for your boyfriend Montgomery to finish his baseball practice. Once and awhile you looked up from your homework and watched him practice when he would look your way and see that you were watching he would smirk, wink at you and tried to show off. You were really into your homework that you didn’t even notice that his practice had ended until he came and sat in front of you.

“Babe, practice finished like 10 minutes ago.” He said taking your homework from you.

“Oh really?” You said surprised.

“Yeah but I had to change and stuff anyways so I decided to just let you do your homework instead of making you wait on me.” He said as he handed your homework back to you so that you could put it away.

“Oh well that was really sweet of you.” You said as you kissed his cheek and then put away your stuff in your backpack.

“I know.” He said as he stood up and took your hand as you walked down the bleachers.

The two of you walked out of school and to his car and went to your house so you could help him study for an English test you had the next day. You walked into your house and went to your room.

“Do we really have to study Y/N?” He asked as he threw his backpack on your bed.

“Yes because if you want to keep playing baseball you need to pass this test.” You said as you went to sit down at your desk.

“Now come on.” You said as you padded the chair next to you.

He sighed and stood up and sat next to you. You started to explain some stuff to him and he was actually trying to understand it. After a few hours of studying he moved closer towards you and put his arm around your chair he pulled you a little closer and started to kiss your neck.

“Monty what are you doing I’m trying to teach you English.” You said as you pushed him away lightly.

“Yeah I know but we’ve been busy for so long can’t we just take a little break.” He said with a smirk.

“No Monty you need to ace this test.” You said looking at him.

“Well then we can take a break maybe fool around a little and then study again.” He said as he leaned closer to you.

He kept leaning in and connected your lips you couldn’t help it but kiss him back and put your hands in his hair as he pulled you on his lap after a few minutes you pulled apart.

“Yeah a break sounds good.” You said with a smile.

He smiled and lifted you and put you down on your bed and he hovered over you. You grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him closer so that the two of you were kissing again. His hands went from your waist to your thighs as yours just went down to his chest and tugged at his shirt. He took the hint and pulled back from the kiss to take of his shirt and then immediately started to kiss you again.

“Um Y/N Honey have you seen my…Ow um hello.” Your mom said as she opened your door.

“Uh hey mom.” You said looking at your mom embarrassed.

“What is going on here?” She asked looking at Monty who was on top of you shirtless.

“Hey Miss Y/L/N, don’t worry we’re just studying.” He said with a smile.

“O-okay.” Your mom said awkwardly and then walking out.

“You’re possibly the dumbest person I have ever met.” You said laughing.

“But I’m you’re favorite.” He said with a smirk.

“Bullshit.” You said as you pushed him away and walked to your desk.

“What are you doing?” He asked as he sat up on the side of your bed.

“Breaks over.” You said with a smile.

“Ugh.” He said as he flopped down on your bed.


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