Montgomery|The breakup

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Warnings: Idc Yeet
Based on a song cause I'm cute

umping heart to heart, and it’s starting to wear me down 
“He’s a total dick” is my reputation around town

“Alright, I’ll see you around babe.” Monty winked at the blonde. He couldn’t even recall her name. But there he was, leading her on, making her think there was something between them. She was simply a good fuck, a girl he hooked up with last night.

“I’ll see you around babe,” A voice mocked from behind. Monty turned around and found a snickering Bryce. “Damn Monty, who was that?”

“Hey man,” He scratched the back of his neck. “I don’t even remember her name.”

“You’re a fucking playboy. That’s what you are!” Bryce howled, giving him a pat on the back.

They got a pretty face, but they got a pretty empty head 
And I want to stick around but damn I’m bored

Monty was currently on a date with the blonde from last week. He asked her out just so he could get out of the house during the weekend. Although deep inside, he was hoping that maybe, just maybe, his brain would flip a switch and view her as more than a something he could play with. Love perhaps. Monty was human; all he wanted was to find love like everyone else.

“What do you think, Monty?” The blonde asked.

He quickly snapped out of his thoughts. “Um no?” He answered, not even having the slightest clue of what she was talking about.

“You’re not even listening to me! I asked if you preferred pizza or salad.” She huffed in irritation. He shrugged in response, obviously not having a care in the world.

“I’m getting out of here. Call me when you actually want to listen to me.” She stood up from the booth and sashayed away. He sighed and leaned back on his seat.

He made up his mind. He definitely did not like her. Sure, she was drop dead gorgeous and her attitude was somewhat tolerable but it just wasn’t working out for him.

Monty looked around the place and spotted a girl. He identified her as Y/N Y/L/N; he knew she went to Liberty High as well. He watched her carefully, she seemed to be enjoying her meal, shoveling curly fries into her mouth and he weirdly found that cute. Then and there, the switch he oh-so-wanted to flip… actually flipped. He was inexplicably drawn to her.

“Here goes nothing.” He mumbled to himself and before heading over to her table.

How the hell do you stay in love 
You’re at dinner looking down playing with your knife and fork

Friday was date night for Y/N and Monty. She felt like their relationship lacked something lately so she wanted it to be perfect, already planning it a week before. She was going to cook his favorite meal and then catch a movie at The Crestmont after.

An hour passed and there was still no sign of him. Y/N sighed in frustration. The food was getting cold and they were already twenty minutes late to the movie. She grabbed her phone from the counter and sent him a quick text.

where are you? you said you’d be here at 6

No response.

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