Montgomery| Broken 2

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Warnings: Idc anymore 🤦I got lazy and barely wrote sorry💕

You’d be lying if you’d said you thought Montgomery wouldn't leave you after the first time you slept together. He’d come over after a long night, you sneaking him into your house and locking your bedroom door. It was the first time you’ve seen Montgomery break down in tears instead of anger. And as much as you were surprised, you held him like he did to you, leading to the two of you laying on your bed talking about his father, you talking about your mother. You never portrayed hard, aggressive Monty as someone who’d hold hands, but you looked down to his wounded hand intertwining with your porcelain-looking one and simply smiled at the sweet feeling. In all of this, it somehow led to you two kissing, you in his lap as he played with the hem of your shirt while kissing you softly. You sat back, pulling your shirt off your body and watching as he gaped in awe. You didn’t understand why, however, you thought you were average, and surely he’d been with way bustier and curvier girls who’d had the perfect bodies all guys seemed to had gone after. He kissed the hollow of your neck and just above your breast line before taking his own shirt off. You removed your hands from his shoulders and placed them on his pectorals, scratching lightly and making him hum softly and shift underneath you. You drew your hands down his abdomen and met at his belt as he opted to kiss your neck and grip your sides, making you giggle softly.

“I love you,” he whispered into your ear as he kissed underneath it. You didn’t think he’d say those words to a human being ever, but here he was, saying the three words you never expected him to.

“I love you too, Monty.” you gasp, rolling your hips into his, making him bite your neck and groan. You pushed him back a bit so you could reach behind your back and unclip your bra, gasping at the feeling of Monty’s gentle hand enveloping your breast as another pushed his pants off his hips, or at least tried to. You laugh at him before sitting on your knees and helping him pull them down, watching his tented boxers. He kicked them off and slid down your shorts and underwear after you got off the bed. Gently kissing your stomach, he pulled you closer.

“Monty…” you whisper, playing with his hair before he stands up, sliding his own underwear off and kissing you again. His eyes looked so sad and so deeply passionate at the same time, it made you want to cry.

“You’re my favorite person, Mont. I hope you know that,” you say softly, breaking the kiss. He smiles, kissing your chin before sitting back down and pulling you onto his lap. You slid down his length slowly with a soft moan, hearts beating against one another and eyes locked, mouths agape as you rode him. His hands gripped your hips tightly, putting his head in your neck, kissing it here and there as he bucked his hips with yours, wrapping his arms completely around you for support.

“You feel so good, Princess,” he says in a soft moan, biting lightly at your neck. You moaned as he said it, resting your cheek against the top of his head as you continued rolling your hips against his. He rubbed up your abdomen before dragging it back down and meeting with your clit, rubbing long and slow with his thumb, making you gasp and dig your nails into his neck and shoulder slightly. He stood suddenly, changing your positions on the bed and keeping his hand on your clit while his hips bucked faster and harder against you. You wrapped your legs around his back, just above his ass, bringing your hands up to rub one of his pecs and to leave one on his face.

“I’m gonna cum, Monty…” you sighed, face scrunching in ‘o face’ as he panted, kissing your lips and your jaw.

“Do it, baby.” he groans, rubbing your clit faster. You come, back arching and legs tightening on his back as he pulled out, rubbing himself off and coming on your stomach. You panted, coming down from your high as he wipes off your stomach with his underwear before dragging you up more on your bed with him. Your head laid on his chest, hands splayed on his abdomen as his hands softly and slowly dragged up and down your side and arm.


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