Scott Reed|Bruised

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Warnings: Domestic abuse long story fluff and Cursing

Scott Reed was your best friend, there was no doubt about it. He had been since the third grade and ever since that day the two of you have been joint at the hip. You told each other everything…well you used to until you got in a relationship with Montgomery De La Cruz. There were some things you simply couldn’t tell Scott anymore, in order to protect your boyfriend. ‘You love him’, you told yourself daily, 'he doesn’t mean it’, you repeated like a mantra in your head every time he laid a hand on you. Monty’s abusive relationship with his father had a detrimental effect on him, he changed from the boy you first fell in love with, but you didn’t blame him for what he did to you, even though you knew you should.

If Scott found out, he would undoubtedly do something, he cared about you so much he would kill Monty himself. The one thing you didn’t know was that Scott cared for you more than you thought, he loved you in a different way to what you perceived. Scott could see the change in you, but you shot him down every time he brought it up. You refused to answer whenever he brought up why you were always wearing long sleeves, why you wore so much make up all of a sudden, why you hung out with him less, why you spoke less…why you seemed like an empty shell of a person.

Scott missed you. He missed the (Y/N), who was always happy, who laughed at his jokes no matter how shitty they were, who always had a positive outlook on life. You were no longer the same girl, and he knew. He knew something had changed, and coincidentally the change had occurred slowly after you and Monty started dating. Scott was friends with Monty, he played baseball with him, but he was jealous and suspicious of him. Monty was dating the girl he loved, and he blamed him for changing her, even if he didn’t vocalise it to him.

The truth was that Scott did have suspicions. Rumours were going around about Bryce, what was to say Monty was any different? However, Scott tried to believe the best in people, and he wanted to believe the best for you, he wanted to convince himself you were happy so he could move on…but he knew you weren’t and he wished you would tell him why. He knew you better than you thought and one day when you were hanging out at his house, he’d had enough of your lies.

“I just don’t understand why they didn’t take turns on the piece of wood,” you sighed, eating a handful of popcorn as you and Scott watched Titanic together for your weekly movie night. The weekly movie night you had to keep secret from Monty or god knows what he’d do.

“Yeah…” Scott replied, his attention not focused on the movie, but rather on the fact you were wearing a turtleneck in June.

“No witty reply? This is a first,” you laughed, looking over at Scott, attempting to give the conversation some levity.

Scott shook his head as his eyes continued to scan over your clothes that covered as much of your skin as possible.

“What’s up with you?” You asked, pausing the film.

“I could ask you the same thing,” Scott replied in an angry tone.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” You said defensively.

“It means you’re hiding from me (Y/N), you’ve been different…so different…and you have been ever since you started dating him,” Scott muttered.

“I-I’m not hiding anything, Scott,” you said, looking away so that your face wouldn’t give you away.

“Bullshit (Y/N)!” Scott yelled, letting his anger get the best of him.

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