Clay Jensen|Shunned

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Warnings: Fluff and clay being lit af

Ask anyone in Liberty High, and they’d all tell you the same thing; no one went without getting their fair share of bullying. Except, that is, for the bullies, and the people with targets on their heads, they got twice as much. Like Hannah Baker, who never could seem to keep herself out of the rumors. Or Tyler Down, who was shunned by everyone for the sole reason that Justin Foley told them to.

    You were one of the handful of girls in the school who weren’t the average size of what many called the populars, but it didn’t seem to dent your reputation by much. You were liked by a lot of people, many of them being guys, despite the stigma that claimed ‘you can’t get a man unless you’re thin.’

    You opposed anything and everything that promoted shedding weight for the enjoyment of others. If you’re going to lose weight, you should do it for yourself. Because you want to, not because you think you’re not beautiful unless you do.

    There were plenty of scientifically backed reasons as to why just because someone has a bit of extra meat on them, that does not mean they’re not healthy. In fact, you prided yourself on being able to beat Sheri Holland in short and long distance sprints.

    Of course, things had to get bad at least once. It was the emergence of Alex’s list that had you marked down as thunder thighs. Despite you being able to shrug it off within the first few hours, that didn’t stop wandering eyes from finding you in the halls.

    Nothing you weren’t used to, of course. You’d been in middle school for three years, and that was way worse. But when things started to turn physical, you found it a lot harder to ignore.

    An encounter with Marcus outside of the girls’ bathroom nearly had you willing to go to the principal, as unhelpful as that crabby old man was.

    You had just stuffed all of your books into your locker, preparing to head to gym class, when you decided to get a drink of water. You were leaned over the fountain when it happened. Marcus was right behind you, hands squeezing at your thighs. He made a noise that sounded like a mix between a snort and a scoff.

    “I can see why you’re on Alex’s lists, Y/N. I mean, damn,” he said condescendingly. “How many guys have you smothered with these things?”

    You were about to reply with an indignant, but not uncalled for, fuck you when he was suddenly wrenched away.

    You spun around, relieved to see the familiar faces of Jeff and Clay. Jeff had Marcus by the collar of his shirt, looking like he was about to knock his lights out. You took a step towards him, grabbing his arm.

    “It’s fine,” you said. “He’s not worth you getting expelled.”

    “No, it’s not fine,” Clay responded, sounding a whole lot angrier than you were. “Stay away from her, Marcus. If we see you do anything like that again, the two of us are going to report you for sexual harassment. We’ll see how good that looks on your perfect record.”

    Jeff let him go, giving him a rough push backwards. Marcus nearly tripped over his own two feet trying to scramble away.

    “Thanks,” Clay murmured.

     "No problem,  buddy. If you see him creeping around her again, let me know.“Jeff replied, striding away towards the stairs "See you two at gym.”

    When you and Clay had been left alone, you nudged his shoulder. “You two are awesome, you know that?”

    He smiled weakly. “Jeff’s the awesome one.”

    “No, I meant what I said,” you replied. “Clay, when you get all that I do, you learn not to underestimate people. Jeff’s got strength, but you have brains. Threatening Marcus’s record was beautiful. Did you see the look on his face?”

    He laughed, nodding, “Okay, yeah. That was pretty good.”

    The two of you stood there for a moment. You watched him awkwardly shift from one foot to another, looking like he was trying to decide how to say something. You nudged him again, and when his gaze met yours you gave him a reassuring look.

    “I can see you’re struggling with something. Tell me,” you said softly.

    “Well, I just… wanted you know that, um,” he cleared his throat. “You shouldn’t let some stupid list make you feel bad. I think you’re more beautiful than any of the girls in this school.”

    Your cheeks warmed. You looked down at your feet, trying to hide the stupid grin that had broken out on your face. “Thank you, Clay. You don’t have to worry, though. I’m not ashamed of my body, and that includes my ’thunder thighs’.”

    His hand slipped beneath your chin, tipping your head up to look him in the eyes. “You don’t have-” he breathed a deep sigh. “I think thick thighs are sexy.”

    You laughed. “Well, then I’d be the perfect girl for you.”

    “I think you would be,” Clay replied, sounding completely serious.

    Your smile faded. For as long as you could remember, you’d had the biggest crush on him. He was always the perfect boy. He was tall, lean, and handsome like the populars, but without the bitterness, and ten times the brains. “Clay?” you asked. “Would you want to maybe… go on a date sometime?”

    His tensed shoulders instantly relaxed. “Yes. Yes, I would.”


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