Clay Jensen|Stolen heart

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Warnings: Some swearing short fic and fluff Idkk

You never know how to act around him. Clay, he’s so sweet, but your afraid that you’ll break him. Or he’ll break you. 

 Your in the library zoning out watching him while biting your pencil, he’s so cute when he gets frustrated and his forehead wrinkles up.

 "Hey, you"

You get startled, it’s the librarian. “You need to leave, you’re not even working on anything, (Y/L/N).”

 "Uh… sorry ma'am I was just trying to think.., I’ll leave.“ You sincerely apologize. You weren’t like this normally around people, but the librarian gave you the creeps. You always seemed shy in front of her so she was an exception to your outgoing personality, her and of course Clay.

 You start packing up your things. And your drop you math book and papers go everywhere. You push a piece of your hair behind your ear and reach down to grab the papers that flew everywhere. A hand comes and grabs yours.

 "Here I got it”

You look up and see the smiling boy that stole your heart, Clay. He was kneeling down picking up all your papers. “Thanks, Clay”, you wanted to faint, he never really paid attention to you. He looked at you with his squinty eyes.

 "Do you wanna, uh.. uh, wanna go to Rosie’s tonight. Their having a smoothie special and I thought you might wanna go?“, You smiled at his awkwardness.

You snort "Of course clay, anything for you.”, you winked at him and walked away. Blushing so hard because you can’t believe what just happened.

 "It’s at 7:00, I’ll pick you up?“ Clay shouts over the silent library while shh’s are loudly replying his screaming. 

 "Sounds good Jenson” not turning around and putting your hand up.

 "And, what happened next!?“, said the muffled voice on the phone. 

 "I don’t know Jess, he’s coming soon and I don’t know what to wear, this is what I called you for silly. Not to listen to my life story.” You giggled. 

 "Okay, okay. How about the dress with the slits on the side. It says ‘I’m not slutty but I can give you a good time’ vibe.“ She said muffled on the phone. 

 "Oh gosh. Okay Jess I think I’ll try it. I love you best friend" You said very softly.

 "I love you too (Y/N)”

Later that day  

 "Shoot, shoot, shoot he’s here what am I going to do. Crap! My hair is a mess!“ You quickly throw your hair into a braid and hope it stays. "Mom, I’m going on a… uhh, I guess a date. I’m not exactly sure. I love you!” You run to the front door.

He was waiting for you leaning on the hood of his moms mini-van. He opened your door like a gentleman, he was always like that. “You look great, I mean amazing, magnificent” He awkwardly smiled at you while buckling your seatbelt.

 You blushed and happily said “you look amazing, magnificent too Clay." 

The night went great. Nothing bad happened, he dropped you off never leaving your side the entire walk to your front door. He was kinda perfect. 

 Next Day

"Eeee, I can’t believe it you and Clay, togetherrrr” Squealed Jess. 

 "Shut up Jess, what do you think your doing. Don’t say that out loud" you said with a grin on your face.

 "Hey" You felt your heart skip a beat, it was Clay. “Hey Clay.”, you said with a huge grin on your face. “What are you up to?” You noticed Clays face was upset. “Are you okay?" 

 "Look (Y/N), I know that last night was fun and all but I think we shoul-" 

 You cut Clay off before he could Finnish his sentence. Your eyes filled with tears, but you didn’t let them show. "Oh, umm. I was thinking the same thing” you said stumbling and walking backwards, you put your hand to your head. You know you have a problem with fainting so you ran to the girls bathroom before embarrass yourself in front of clay even more. 

“Wait (Y/N). You didn’t let me Finnish!?” Before you knew it you were passed out in the middle of the hallway. Then you awoke in the nurses room with Clay sitting by your side. 

He came up to you and said in your ear, I want to be more than friends and I was scared how you would react when I told you. I worded it wrong I’m sorry.“ Before he knew it you placed a soft kiss on his lips. 

"You gave me a heart attack Jensen” kissing him more.


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