Zach Dempsey|Special

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Warnings: Long ass story underage drinking and fluff

The large, upper-middle-class home was packed tighter than a sardine can; full of sweaty, drunk teenagers ready to get their party on. Grating noise that some would describe as music pumped through the bass-filled speakers of an expensive sound system. Liquor flowed freely, and tables were filled with red plastic cups stereotypically seen at these types of gatherings. You weren't really the type that liked these kinds of parties, but you were new in town, and you were desperate to make friends. Your parents thought that a party would be a great way to get to know some of the kids you go to school with, so reluctantly, you went with a girl you had only just met a few days ago on your first day of classes. She was nice enough, but could be a bit much if you hung out with her for too long. Most of the time, peace and quiet was more your speed. It didn't take long for the girl to leave you to your own devices, opting to find that cute guy from your English class so she could flirt the night away, and possibly score his number. While you agreed that he was a decent looking guy, he really wasn't your type.

While you were lost in your thoughts, a young man approached you, and introduced himself.

"Hey, I'm Zach, Zach Dempsey. I don't think I've seen you around before; you new here?"

"H-hello, my name is -"

Before you could finish your sentance, an average height blonde with a broad frame approached you and Zach.

"Well, well Dempsey. Not bad at all! Who's your little friend?"

The guy wore a smarmy smirk plastered to his face, and eyed you up and down in a lecherous manner, making you even more uncomfortable than you already were, if that were even possible. Frankly, he gave you the creeps.

"Come on, Bryce, don't start with her already..."

"Just havin' a little fun, Zachy, no need to get all worked up." Just then, Bryce spotted a couple of the cheerleaders, eyeing them the way he had you just now. He turned to you and Zach. "I think I'll leave you two lovebirds alone."

Bryce clapped his hand on Zach's shoulder and gave you a wink before striding towards the ovbiously spiked fruit punch on the kitchen counter. This Bryce guy was putting off some seriously nasty vibes, and you didn't like him one bit. Zach seemed alright though.

Seeing the look on your face, Zach turned back to you.

"Don't mind him, he can be a real ass sometimes. So as you were saying, your name is...?"

You gave Zach your name, and the two of you headed towards the sliding glass doors to get some fresh air, deciding that the room had become far too stuffy. That, and you wanted to save what was left of your hearing. The two of you stepped onto the back porch, and into the cool autumn evening.

"So, what brings you to Crestmont?"

"My parents moved here for work. I got dragged along for the ride." You let out a nervous giggle, hoping silently that you wouldn't mess this up. Conversation was never your strong suit.

It seemed your small talk attepmts went over well, because as the night wore on, you and Zach were inseperable, giggling off in your own little bubble.

"So I said to Justin, 'Dude, that was weak!' and he gets so mad that he turns around, grabs the ball from my hand, runs to the other side of the court, and makes the sickest trick-shot I've ever seen. Your jaw would have dropped if you had seen it."

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