Scott Reed|Polaroid

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Warnings: Everything sis

You couldn’t tell how many times you’d listened to the tapes ever since they’d appeared online out of nowhere. Maybe two, maybe five, maybe sixteen times? It never lessened the horror you felt.

Tears welled up in your eyes when you thought about all the things that happened to the girls and the others. You took a shaky breath when you listened to the part of Jeff Atkins’ death. You can’t say you two were close, but you did have nice chats once in a while, seeing as you were his friend’s girlfriend.

As if on cue, the sound of a familiar car horn reached your ears, snapping you out of your thoughts. 

“Honey, your handsome boyfriend is here to pick you up!” your mother called out to you. You quickly dried your eyes and put your make up on before she stepped into the room. 

“Hey, you ready?” 

“..Yeah, mom,” you said, giving her a small smile.

“Good. Come on, Scott is waiting,” she said, turning to go when you stopped her.

“Actually, mom. Can you just tell him I’m already out?” 

“Why would I do that? Don’t you want to ride with him?”

I know some of you might think there was more I could have done or should have done. But I’d lost control and in that moment, it felt like…it felt like I was already dead. 

You quickly shook your head. “Yeah, no. I just feel like taking a walk today.”

And that’s what you did. You took the long route to school, not sure if you actually wanted to step foot into that place anymore. It wasn’t like you were delusional; You knew that not everything happening in that school was kosher, but wasn’t every school a bit messed up? 

You turned me around and pushed the full weight of your body into my back.

You squeezed your eyes shut tightly. 

Before you knew it you arrived at the gates of Liberty High. Exhaling heavily you walked into the halls and immediately noticed the whispers and chatters around you and strangely looking and pointing your way. Furrowing your eyebrows you looked behind you only to see one of the guys, who had been on the tapes; Twice. Justin’s eyes met yours and widened slightly, stopping a few feet away from you. Silence settled in as you took each other in despite the fact that the others were still shuffling and whispering around you.


“I heard you made grand entrance a few days ago,” you said, smiling wryly and trying to keep your emotions in. 

“Y-yeah, I just had to see Jessica.”

You nodded, staying quiet.

“So, h-how have you been doi-”

“Where the hell have you been all these months?” you burst out, making him flinch slightly, “Do you know how fucking worried I was?!”

“I-I just had to leave. I can’t you tell why.”

“Oh don’t worry. I already know! How the fuck could you do something like that to your girlfriend?”

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