Justin| More fun

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Warnings: I'm back back back againn sis also super short but hot sis

“Holy shit, I love you,” Justin spoke in a low voice, grinning at his girlfriend as he ran a hand through his hair, blinking sleepily. She had woken up before him, getting up and brushing her teeth and hair, having showered already. “You look like an angel.” The blinds were partially opened, allowing morning light into his room in the Jensen household, forming an almost halo-effect around her.

Y/N rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, sending him an amused smile before turning around and bending over to search the drawers for some clothes to wear. She heard a choked groan from somewhere behind her, sounding almost painful, low and guttural. With a raised brow, she turned to look at Justin, “Did,” a pause as her head tilted the slightest bit, “Did you just make that noise?”

He nodded at her, before groaning again and letting his head fall back on his pillow, an arm coming up to cover his eyes. “You’re just prancing around half-naked and not expecting me to make a noise?” Justin spoke in reply, shifting his position as he heard movements, going away from him instead of towards. Then the sound of laughter, and he scoffed, sitting up to get a good look at her once more. “You should be nicer to me, Y/N.”

“I think it’s more fun this way,” Y/N offered in reply, shrugging at him with a small smile. “Should I? Maybe you should just come over here and make me behave.” The tone of voice was teasing, almost challenging Justin to come over to her, and he did, getting out of bed and taking quick strides to her. A soft hand came up to cup her face as he kissed her, backing her up until her back hit a wall, and waiting to move closer once her hands slid up into his hair.

He pushed himself a little closer, unable to help himself when he softly rocked his hips up against her, drawing a soft noise out of her and letting her know how worked up he was. “It looks like we won’t be getting to school for a while,” Justin joked, leaning to kiss her neck, both of them eager for some more alone time.


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