Tyler Down|Hideaways

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Warnings: Smut

You were never one to attend school events.

    The only reason you had tonight, watching the Liberty Tiger’s first basketball game, was because of Tyler Down. He was the school’s junior photographer, and your boyfriend of almost two years. For him, you’d be able to put up with a few hours of watching guys in baggy shorts throw around an orange ball, no matter how tedious.

    He was poised at the edge of the court, down on one knee and camera raised. He’d already gotten at least a hundred of the team, but still needed a few of the cheerleaders to put in the yearbook. It was then, through your boredom, that an idea popped into your head.

    You were sure there was a sinister smile stretched across your face as you bounded down the bleachers. You slipped down onto your knees next to him, leaning in to bump your shoulder against his. Whatever photo he’d been trying to take was surely nothing more than a blur as the camera jostled around in his hands.

    He tried to give you an annoyed look, but you could see the amusement swimming behind those pretty blue eyes.

    “Ty,” you whispered, fully aware that a few heads in the stands had turned to watch the two of you. “You wanna go do something fun?”

    After all the times that you had said the exact same thing, he didn’t have to ask what you meant. He nodded, raking a hand through his curly bangs, wild and tousled from the constant back-and-forth it took to get pictures of the the ‘star’ basketball players.

    The two of you got to your feet, the sounds of shoes squeaking against the court fading away as you dipped into the halls. Down two sets of stairs, behind a heavy door with a broken lock, and drenched in a dim, blue light was the boys’ locker room; still strewn with clothes from when the Tigers had changed into their uniforms, the smell of someone’s cologne hanging loosely in the air.

    You nearly tripped over a crumpled varsity jacket laying on the floor, laughing as Tyler caught you by the waist and drew you closer to his side. You were very aware that what you were doing was a bad idea, but in the moment, as your lips found the hollow of his neck, you didn’t much care.

    He, however, was an entirely different story.

    “Y/N,” he gasped, fingers twisting in your hair as you nipped at his skin, biting down just hard enough to leave a mark. “If they catch us in here, doing this-”

    You pulled away, gripping his shoulders firmly. “They won’t.”

    He shuddered as you pressed him against a row of cold, navy lockers, hidden towards the back, a broken moan working its way passed his lips as you hitched your hands up beneath his sweater. His back arched, hips pressing into yours as you let your hands drop to his jeans. You sank to your knees, drawing them down with you.

    He swallowed hard, unable to look away as you tugged at the hem of his boxers, lips descending to kiss his hips. Your tongue traced out the letters of his name, pulling from him a string of dizzy moans. They shot straight to your core, uncovering that familiar want, already begging for the one thing that would sate it.

    You met his eyes, watching his cheeks burn a deep rose as you worked his boxers down just far enough to leave him exposed and subject to whatever you had planned.

    You leaned forwards, lips pressing softly against the head of his erection. He made a strained noise, hips stuttering as your tongue lapped out against his warm, velvety skin. You carried it down the length of his shaft in light, wet streaks. He whimpered, wriggling helplessly as you did it again, and again, until he was throbbing for more.

    You moved down, lips parting as you took the head into you mouth. Your tongue swirled underneath it, rubbing down the sides and flicking just over the sensitive bundle of nerves at the tip.

    He threw his head back against the lockers, spilling a stream of appreciative noises.

    You were just about to take him in deeper when you heard the door burst open. The two of you jumped, giving you a bit too much to swallow, literally.

    You pulled away, fighting the overwhelming urge to gag. You wiped the tears forming in the corners of your eyes, smiling as Tyler took your face in his hands. He mouthed an 'Are you okay?’ and you nodded in response.

    You could hear the obnoxious voice of Bryce Walker from the other side of the lockers. He was talking to someone, something about sports and other things that you weren’t interested in at the time.

    You turned your attention back to Tyler, grabbing his hands when he tried to redress himself. He stared down at you, eyes wide.

    You sloppily went down on him, this time fully prepared to go as far to the hilt as you could. You could feel him silently shifting his weight from one foot to the other, no doubt choking back moans as you hollowed your cheeks.

    Bryce said something about a party at his house. You moved up to the head, teeth grazing gently as your tongue ran flat along the underside of Tyler’s erection.

    You picked up the speed, keeping a good eye, or ear, on the sound of footsteps coming closely to the other side of the locker. Whoever was there, digging into it for their things, had no idea what the two of you were doing just on the other side.

    Tyler thrust forwards, nearly catching you off guard. You grabbed his hips, coaxing him to do it again.

    He got the message, hands finding your hair once more. He rolled his hips into your mouth, biting his lip to keep any unwanted noises from escaping. You could feel him twitching already, hot on your tongue. Your fingers curled around his slender waist, bringing him to an agonizingly slow pace.

    Tyler suddenly froze. You pulled away, turning around to see what he was looking at.

    Along with Bryce, there were two others. They were filing out the back of the locker room, turned away from the two of you. Not a single one of them thought to look behind as the door was slammed shut.

    You looked up at Tyler, unable to fight off the grin stretching across your face as you stood. “How’s this for fun?”

    He laughed, shaking his head. “This is terrifying.”

    You reached beneath your sweater dress, pushing your underwear down your legs. You pulled them off and tossed them at him.

    He caught them, eyes following you, cheeks still flushed with crimson, as you turned around and pressed yourself up against the wall.

    “Come on,” you murmured. “You may not be a basketball player, but I know you can show me who the real tiger is.”

    He was on you in seconds, your underwear discarded on the floor as his hands grasped your waist. You moaned, nails scraping down the stone wall, as he lined himself up with your entrance and pushed in.

    Your hips met fiercely, neither of you the least bit put off by the slight sting.  Your bodies, slick with sweat and saliva, had overpowered the cologne, leaving the room laden with the smell of sex. An irresistible scent that dared to bring you to the edge twice as fast.

    Tyler’s chest was flush with your back, arms reaching around to lock tightly around your stomach. You reveled in the feeling of him being so close, trying to press up tighter against his body as his length relentlessly drove into your clenching walls.

    What finally set you off was his lips, soft and plump, catching the skin of your neck, warm breath beating off of your skin. You toppled over the edge, hard, bringing Tyler right along with you. The two of you slumped down to the ground, holding each other through the fiery, explosive pleasure.

    After a long moment, Tyler sighed deeply. “You’re amazing, you know.”

    You brought a hand down to place over his. “Not as amazing as you.”

Also Tyler is super underrated I fucking love him.

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