Justin Foley|Bus Stop

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Warnings:Light smut some fluff little angst and a long ass story

You had been waiting for 2 hours, two long and cold hours. Your body was shivering, your cheeks bitten pink by the frosty wind, and your ears filled with the dull ache of the frigid chill. 

Yet you still stood at the bus stop waiting for the boy with the blue eyes and the crinkly smile to come whisk you away on the new life he promised you. 

It was 2 am and no matter how many times you anxiously glanced at your phone there was still no messages, no calls, not even approaching footsteps that resembled his. You were starting to think he wasn’t coming, if that wasn’t already clear by the first hour of his absence. 

You made up your mind and with a strong grip on your backpack that was filled with your most essential possessions, you abandoned the stop to make your way to his door. Thoughts were racing in your head of ‘did i do something wrong?’ to ‘did something happen to him?’ You convinced yourself that that was it, he was hurt, that was the only plausible reason of him not being there. 

With a new sense of urgency your walking turned to jogging, your jogging turning into desperate running. You made it to his apartment in a few minutes, your rapid heartbeat ringing in your ears. You reached under his doormat, feeling for the extra silver key that you had used for months on end to sneak your way into his room. 

With a careful twist of your hand you unlocked the door, pushing it open with no audible noise. You trod lightly on the floor, careful to not make the floorboards creak. The house was eerily silent, causing your already present anxiousness to heighten. You made your way to his door, pulling it open before quickly closing it behind you. 

Your eyes moved around the dark expanse of his room, looking through the mess of broken objects and thrown clothes to find Justin. You tried to turn on the lights, but looked up to find the lightbulb shattered. Your heart sank, he wasn’t here. 

You cursed under your breath at having to slink back outside of his apartment without getting caught when a soft sniffle caught your attention.

Justin?” You whispered into the seemingly empty room. You saw something move in one corner and you made your way over. Under several blankets and bunched up in a corner, you found the boy you had been waiting for- literally. 

Justin, what the fuck?” You hissed under your breath, ripping the layers off of him.

 “I was waiting for you for over two hours, what happened?” You took a more gentle tone, taking in his disheveled appearance and watery eyes.  

“I didn’t think it was worth going.” His loud and curt voice felt like a slap to the face and you furrowed your brows in confusion at his answer.

He didn’t meet your eyes, his stare directing towards the wall dejectedly. You pointed to the door and brought your finger to your mouth, motioning for him to be quiet. 

“They’re not here, you don’t have to worry about that shit.” You bent down to level your face to his, placing your hands on his cheeks. 

“Look at me. Justin, what’s wrong?” You forced his eyes to look into yours and your heart tore at the broken look in his eyes. 

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