Marcus Cole|Shut up nerd

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Warnings: Short story and fluff

You were in the car with Marcus, heading to school. He liked to pick you up every morning, you thought it was really sweet - especially considering his nerdy personality and the assumptions people made of him after Hannah's tapes were released. This kind of proved that he wasn’t all just one big nerd. 

You had bought an early 2000′s album with you today. It was loud, annoying, but god damn wonderful. You turned it up, dancing in your seat and screaming the lyrics towards Marcus’s annoyed face.

“Can you please be quiet!” He shouted over the pop song and your singing.

You laughed. “No!” You screamed back, breaking into the chorus of Britney Spears toxic.

Marcus just shook his head, the ghost of a smile making its way onto his face. You know he secretly loves it - why else would he pick you up for school?

All too soon, the song came to an end, silence filling the car as you took a few deep breaths. You know, performing was quite a dangerous and tiring job.

“You love my singing.” You countered, grinning at the smart boy, as you picked up the cd case from the centre console to look at the tracklist.

“Shut up, nerd.” Marcus chuckled, turning down the street that led to your school.

“I’m not a nerd if anybodys a nerd it's you  baby.” You replied, changing the song to Cry me a river.

He rolled his eyes. “Then what are you?” He challenged, quickly turning to look at you, before focusing back on the road.

“I’m madly in love with you.” You declared loudly, swinging you arms out either side of you, almost hitting Monty in the face.

“Ew, get away from me you mozzarella stick.”

You gasped at his wide grin. “How dare you I'm actually heartbroken now!” You scolded in a joking manner, turning the music down to a more respectful manner. “What the fuck does that mean anyway?” 

“You’re cheesy and broke my pretty little  heart don't you care about that part asshole.” He turned into the school parking lot. “And it makes my heart speak gibberish but I'll give you mine since your kinda cool I guess.”

“Heart don’t speak, smarty pants.”


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