Bryce Walker|Kissing booth

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Warnings: Physical Violence fluff making out and stuff yeet✌️

It was that time of the year, Valentine’s Day. And this year instead of doing Dollar Valentine like the past few years, the school decided to do some fundraising and as one of the cheerleaders, you guys offered to do a kissing booth. With everything going on about the trail of Hannah’s parents and the school, people thought it would be a fun way of giving some kind of happiness back into the high school.

Being a romantic, and unfortunately a cheerleader, you offered to help out with the fundraiser, not knowing that meant being one of the girls being used as the receivers of a kiss on the kissing booth. It had been around half an hour and you and the other 2 girls beside you had kissed roughly 25 people with a steady stream of guys in line to kiss the three of you.

Taking a small break, you couldn’t shake the feeling of someone watching you. “(Y/N), how are the kisses? Anyone seem worth your time?” Chloe asked, walking up to the three of you as you took a sip of your iced tea, rolling your eyes. “God no, all horrible, except maybe Derek from my English class.” You spoke, walking over to your bag to grab your phone. “Well, maybe you’ll find the one.” She said, walking back to wherever she came from as it was time to go back to your standing places in the booth. As you went back, someone you really didn’t want to see came up. “Fuck off Bryce.” You sighed, rolling your eyes as you shuddered under the eyes of an unknown person. “C’mon (Y/N/N), this is for charity after all.” He smirked, leaning in closer as you felt his hot breath on the side of your face. Sighing, you leant forward and gave him what you thought would be a quick peck but he took your face in his hands, keeping your lips locked to his for another few seconds before you literally had to push him off of you.

“Sorry babe, got a little carried away.” He said, feigning a look of guilt as he tried to hide his smirk before walking away from the booth. As he sauntered away, you could feel a pair of eyes on you but as you looked around, you couldn’t work out where it was coming from. After another hour or so of bad kisses and you had around 15 minutes left, you had given up on hoping that the one you really wanted to get a kiss from would appear.

At the end of it all, you and the other girls had made your way to where your bags where and you walked off to the parking lot to get in your car when you heard some pained groans from a few feet away. 

“Hello?” You called out, walking towards the sound warily. As you passed a familiar car, you saw Bryce with a black eye and some cuts on his face as he was holding his bloody nose as he leant against the car whilst sat on the floor. “Oh my days, Bryce what the he-” You were cut off by him as he stood up and tried to brush past you to get to the drivers side of his car. “Hold on, what happened to your face Bryce?” You said, forcing him to a stop as you grabbed some tissues out of your rucksack. But as you tried to place them on his bloody nose, he roughly pushed you away, getting back in his car and started it up causing you to quickly move away just in time to turn to see an also beaten and bruised Scott as he limped over to his car, trying to go unnoticed. “Scott!” You shouted, rushing towards him in hopes he would actually let you help. “What the hell happened to the two of you? Or are you also going to drive away and nearly kill me as well?” You fumed, grabbing his bicep to turn him to face you.

“It’s nothing (Y/N), just a disagreement.” He said, brushing your hand away from his arm as the last few remaining students dispersed around the parking lot or walked home. “Scott I’m not stupid, you guys are like brothers a small argument couldn’t have made the both of your faces look like you’ve been mauled.” You scoffed, handing him some tissues to wipe off the dried blood on his face and hands. “(Y/N)…” He sighed, rolling his shoulder as he looked away from you, staring the distance before looking back at you. “It’s nothing, ju- just forget about it, okay? Go home.”

He spoke faintly, moving towards his car. That was the final straw. “Okay, now you listen to me carefully Scott Reed, I don’t give two shits about whether Bryce or you is hurt, but if you guys are fighting then it must be serious. Now, we’re going to try this again. Why did you guys fight?” You said, grabbing his arm once again seeing his face contour into one of anger and exasperation. “Okay, you wanna know why I punched Bryce? Because of you, okay! He chose to kiss you of all people despite knowing I liked you! And then when he came towards us, he spoke about bringing you to the Clubhouse, okay. A- and I just snapped.” He shouted, walking you back into the hood of his car, trapping you between his body and the hood. At the end of his speech, the silence between the two of you was almost deadly as the two of you stared at each other for a few minutes.

“Yo-you like me?” You stuttered out, looking up at Scott for a second before you dodged eye contact and stared behind him at the school building. He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck as he nodded at you.

 “Like a lot. I mean it took so much restraint for me to not get in that line and kiss you.” He sighed, fiddling with his Letterman jacket zipper. “So why didn’t you?” You asked, looking up at him quizzically. “Because I didn’t want our kiss to be just another random kiss. I wanted it to be better than the ones you got at the school’s shitty fundraiser.” He said, placing his hand on your cheek as he leant closer to you. “Then do it.”

You said, moving closer to close the gap between the two of you, pressing your lips to his. The kiss lasted for a while, the both of you not moving as his hands cuffed your face and yours rested on his hips before he pulled away, both of you smiling. “Well, this will be a fun first kiss story.” He laughed, placing another quick peck on your lips before continuing, “This isn’t how I wanted to ask but do you want to go out tomorrow night?” A smile appeared on his face as you nodded, pulling him back in for another kiss.


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