Scott Reed|Home videos 2

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Warnings: Slut shaming Swearing and Assault

Two Months had gone by since me and Scott broke up. Scott took it super hard and I'm not really sure why he cheated on me for god sake but I guess that's guys for you.

I did what I did every normal morning, Brush my teeth, have a shower, brush my hair and get dressed but little did I realise this definitely wasn't going to be a normal morning not for me.

I walk through the doors of liberty high school noticing some kids were looking at me and giggling in the parking lot, Meh maybe I'm paranoid screw it.

Until I hear Chloe Rice walk past me laughing with her friends "That's the slut from the video oh my god" My brain immediately went blank so I grabbed Chloe by the shoulder "What the fuck did you just call me I've never spoke to you in my life" Her eyes widened clearly realising I didn't know " Scott Reed kinda released your sex tape together" she says clearly trying to hold back giggles.

I just ran past her covering my face forcing myself not to cry. Until I get to Bryce's locker where all the jocks hang out where I was pretty much forced to stop and Montgomery stops me and says "Hey I like being called daddy can you send me a recording of you calling me that?" He says laughing I try push him out of the way rolling my eyes until he grabs my arm "That's not very polite your obviously a slut so you should be nicer to someone who's offering a better time than Scott"

And I just break down, Fuck the bathroom idea I'm leaving. As I'm about to leave I hear in the over head speakers "Can y/f/n and Scott Reed please come to Mr.Poters office" Mrs.Nylons old cracking said. I sighed so I wiped my eyes and proceeded to the office.

"I know you both already know why you here right?" Mr.Porter asked us "Obviously" we both said in unison "Well I need to know Scott did you share the video?" Scott made a surprised face I immediately rolled my eyes knowing thing is going to be done about this. "Mr Porter y/n is my ex girlfriend I'd never want to hurt her like this I loved her for months and then she broke up with me shes the more likely suspect" I roll my eyes thinking Mr Porter won't believe this bullshit when I hear "Well y/n he does have a good point."

Mr Porter do they pay you guys to wipe the jocks asses aswell? I say angry tears rolling down my face walking out never wanting to see hear or talk to another person for the rest of my life. Obviously today wasn't my day as I made my way down the halls to get my ass too the bathroom since my mom is going to kill me when I get home, all I was met with was Girls laughing or calling me a slut and says mimicking moaning and yelling at me to come have sex with them.

Finally! The bathroom I think as I went to walk in I was met with 4 girls who must have been older than me. I accidentally bumped there arm as I was going to the stall all of a sudden I feel myself being pushed against the wall, "Oh no way your the whore from the video" she says laughing I had enough I pushed her off and ran,As I walked out of the school gate I realise I have nowhere to go.

If I go home my mom will kill me,
If I go back to school I'll be assaulted,
If I go to the principal he'll blame me,
If I go to the cops they'll call I teen drama.

But if I text a good friend maybe I can stay with.

Then I remembered, if none of them tried standing up for me what's the chances I can stay with them? I feel like I'm now a social disease be seen with me and die.

I have to try

"Hey Jess I was wondering could I stay over for the night? I can't come home I've just had a real shitty day."

"Oh y/n I heard what happened I'm so sorry but my dad heard about the video all parents did and he'd be super pissed if I did."

"Honesty Jess I understand don't worry about it"
Read 2:10pm

"Hey Han I have nowhere to stay tonight I can't face going home could I maybe stay with you?"

"Awh you could but my aunt is in town and there's no rooms spare not even the sofa"

"Listen it's fine"
Read 2:35pm

I sighed and wiped away my last tear "wow" is all I could say to myself I sat down and thought things out and then I realised there was one more person.

"I know this is a long shot but could I stay with you tonight I can't go home because of the video Scott Reed posted of us and I have nowhere else"

"If you're okay with sleeping on a fold out couch and don't tell anyone your at my house my reputation is on the line here"

"Oh my god thank you,I don't think you know how much this means to me everyone else turned me away."
Read 3:25pm

I get to Courtneys House and she greets me.

To be continued.....

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