Jessica Davis|Let's go out

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Warnings:Just Fluff

“Hey, Y/n.” She says beaming at me.

I gave her a questioning look, why was she so happy this early in the morning. I am never happy coming into school and have trouble getting social this early. Some can do it without any effort, which I find so amazing.

I rolled my eyes, “Why are you so happy right now?”

“Because, I have a question to ask you.” she confessed.

I nodded, telling her to keep going.

She looked down at her hands, “Do you want to go on a date with me? It’s okay if you don’t. I just wanted to ask because you’re so fun to be around in school and I wanted to see how you are after.”

I felt my spirits go high and I instantly felt happy, “Of course I will. When do you want to?”

“Tonight at 7? At the coffee shop?” She questions.

I nod my head agreeing, “See you tonight, Jess.”

She nods and walks away. I watch her walk away and feel butterflies. I’ve wanted her to ask me out for so long, and it finally happened. I hope this date goes the way I want it to. Nobody can ruin the way I’m feeling right now.

When I got home, I began texting Jessica. She told me she was at the cafe so I told my mom that I was leaving and walked out the door. I drove my car to where she was and seen her inside through the window looking down at her phone. I walked inside and sat across from her.

“Hey.” I say while getting her attention.

She looks up at me and gives me a smile, “I was beginning to think you weren’t going to come”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Jess.”

We began talking through the night and she was more interesting than I ever found her. I really enjoyed her company. She had the personality that made you always want to be around her no matter what. She had the reputation that wasn’t the cleanest, but she was still one of the sweetest people I’ve ever known.  

“How long have you lived in town?” She asks me while looking into my eyes.

I shrugged, “A couple of years now.”

“I remember when I first saw you. I instantly knew that I wanted to get to know you. I just got so caught up in cheerleading, Hannah, and Justin. I regretted not talking to you but I wasn’t sure if you would have wanted to be friends” She beams while looking down at her coffee.

I felt shocked. She wanted to be my friend? This is the biggest news I have heard in a long time.

“You could have just told me. I’m pretty sure I would have been up for being friends. I always wanted to get close to you too.” I tell her truthfully.

The rest of our date was just small talk and things involving school. As soon as we got done eating, it was around 7pm. We walked outside together.

“I had a great time.” I told her while looking down at my hands.

She brought my face up to hers, “I did too. We should do this more often.”

I nodded and was about to turn around to get home. While I was turning, I felt her grab my wrists and turn me around. I was going to say something, but felt her lips on mine. I relaxed into the kiss and kissed her back. It felt how fanfiction made it seem. I felt amazing on the inside and out. She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

I felt warmness in my stomach when I pulled away, “That was amazing.”

“I don’t know why I did that, but I have a question.” She admits to me.

I nodded telling her to go on.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” she asks me nervously.

I felt happiness again, “Of course I will, Jessica.”

She smiled and I kissed her again.


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