Zach Dempsey|Lovers

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Warnings: Smut Short story slight swears

After the dance, they rushed to his place, unable to keep their hands off of each other. Hot kisses were placed on her neck by his soft, plump, pink lips. Their clothes were torn off in a matter of minutes.

The way his body was on top of hers, her heart pounding so loudly she felt he could hear it. Her body was pumping and flowing with adrenaline as he continues to pepper kisses down her face, onto her jaw, down to her bra-covered chest, down her stomach and finally down to the place she needed him most.

Her hands gripped the sheets so hard, her knuckles began to turn white. She was gasping for air, not being able to control her breathing and her moaning as he continued to lick and suck.

She grasped his hair, making him groan loudly. She clamped her thighs slightly, but he pushed them back open, her eyes screwing shut. Small whimpers and moans left her mouth as Zach continued.

Her body was in pure bliss, her mind was clouded, not allowing her to think of anything except for the pleasure she was receiving. Her hair was beginning to stick to the sides of her neck as sweat began to form from her body being so hot and bothered.

Zach stopped abruptly before she could orgasm, making her whine loudly. Zach chuckled at this and came up, placing his lips on hers and lining himself with her entrance. Hannah braced herself, knowing how big Zach was. She looked at him, his pupils wide. She nodded in approval, Zach sunk into her slowly, both of them letting out sighs of content at the feeling.

“Move,” Hannah whispered in his ear, encouraging him to go on. He slides himself out, then back in, creating a slow pace, at first. “God, you feel so good,” He moans, that being the sexiest thing Hannah had ever heard in her entire life.

“Faster,” She whimpers. He starts going faster, and faster, until he’s pounding into her and the head of the bed is banging against the wall, creating a loud noise but neither of them caring, too caught up in this heated, very heated, moment.

As his orgasm approaches, he grabs her leg, swings it over his shoulder and begins to hit a spot that makes Hannah scream in pleasure. He almost releases at the sight of her face. Her eyes screwed shut, sweat glistening on her forehead, her mouth agape. 

“Come for me, baby,” He coos in her ear and that’s all she needs to release. Once they’ve both reached their high, his body collapses on top of hers, both of them working to get their breathing under control.

“I love you, Hannah Baker.” Zach speaks softly as he regains control of his breathing. She looks up at him, smiling. “Zach Dempsey, i love you too.” 


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