Class Introvert

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Jungkook's POV

Wednesday Morning

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Wednesday Morning

"Jungkook!" Jisoo called me when I was walking to my class.

"What is it?" I asked, slowing down.

"Mr.Yang is asking for your presence. They are at the Principal's office."

"They?" Who wants to see me aside from the principal?

"Bhuwakul's parents are here. They have an important thing to discuss with you." she explained.

Bambam's parents? What do they want?

"Thanks Jisoo. I'll go there." I said.

"Oh by the way Jungkook, Jennie wants to catch up with us. They're finally back at the country from the honeymoon. Are you free this weekend? They invited us for a lunch." she asked.

I considered the offer for a while. At first I wanted to refuse because I wanted to go to Australia to talk with Ji-eun but I also want to meet Jong-in.

"Yes, I am free just send me the address."

"Got it. I'll tell Jennie." she said.

I bid a good bye to Jisoo and knocked at the Principal's office.

"Come on in" Mr.Yang's voice echoed." I opened the door to Principal's office and saw two old couples with Bambam sitting on the guest chair in front of Principal Yang's table.

"Good morning Mr.Yang, You were looking for me?" I asked.

"Yes Mr.Jeon, sit here please." he said pointing at the chair next to Bam.

I sat on it and Bambam gave me a tight lipped smile. I smiled too and bowed at the couples who were sitting across us.

'This must be his parents' I thought

"So, I'd like you to meet Mr. And Mrs. Buwahkul. They are here to ask some favor from you." Mr Yang introduced.

"Nice to meet you Sir and Ma'am. I am Bambam's Homeroom teacher." I explained.

The father smiled at me and said "Such a fine looking teacher. Bambam is always praising your teaching style at home that may also be one reason why he doesn't want to leave this school."

I was surprised when I heard this that I looked at Bambam's direction to confirm if he's really leaving. Bambam just nodded bitterly as if he is against it.

"If you don't mind me asking Mr.Buwahkul, where are you going?" I asked.

"We are going to migrate to the US. And sadly Bambam has to left this weekend."

The man's words saddened me so much.

"Why leave that soon? Why not at least wait for him to graduate?" I asked the couples but they just shook their heads.

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