Killing Time

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Jungkook's POV

When the whole got out of my room, I was left alone with her

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When the whole got out of my room, I was left alone with her.

"Your class seems to be fond of you." Ji-eun said and I nodded.

"They are and they are the sweetest." I said as I stood to get a shirt to wear.

"Hmm.. That maybe a reason why you seemed to be distracted this days?" she sat at the bed and cossed her legs to look at me.

"Distracted?" I turned my attention to her.

"Yes, back then you would call me almost every hour but now you managed to survive the whole weekend without calling me." she said in a teasing way.

"I remember back then you would hang on me everytime I would call you." I annoyingly said. Now I wonder what she's trying to imply?

"You know that I am busy with work." she stood, defending herself.

"And I never complained." I added. "I would always understand. I would always adjust Ji-eun. That is how I love you." I said and she looked down guiltily.

I know and I can feel she doesn't feel the same. But I still did my best to get her attention, to get her love.

"Listen, I don't want to argue with you Jungkook. I came here to say that my flight will be in two hours. And I will be gone for days so I really don't want to fight."

"Today is your flight? Right away?" I asked. "Why didn't you tell me you're leaving today?"

"I told you that I will leave the night we had dinner last friday, don't you remember?" She said making me realize that she's right.

"I'm sorry I forgot" I said apologetically.

"You seemed to be forgeting a lot about us these days?" she asked again.

"I had a fever last day. And on saturday I spent them on having remedial classes." I explained. I don't want her teasing about me forgetting about us. It's really frustrating that she makes it look like I'm the one at fault now.

"You had a fever? But you're too old for that." she said nonchalantly while looking at her wrist watch. "Oh, I'll be late. Will you drive me to the airport or I'll go ahead?"

"I'll just drive you." I said. Afraid for her to be late at her flight, I quickly rushed out.

"Seriously Jungkook? You are driving me to the airport like that?" she said looking down.

I take a look at what I'm wearing. When I realized I'm just in my sweat pants and tshirt.

"But I will just drive you to the airport? Must I change my clothes?" I asked.

"Of course. Jungkook I am an actress and how you look will always matter because of the medias folwing me around. What will my fans say if they see my boyfriend looking like this?" she said with a a disgusted tone while pointing at what I'm wearing.

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