Receiving Text

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Class 3-C POV

A week after

Class, let's pay J-hope a surprise visit tomorrow.



Dahyun smiled when she read the teacher's message. It was the very first time he texted them as he just contacts Namjoon when he needs to tell them something.

Mr.Jeon was used to it as it was only Namjoon whom he trusted back then but now it came to a point where he trusts all of his students so he decided that he will be the one to message them if he needs to.

"Dahyun, come here quick. Help me set up the table for breakfast." she heard her mom call from the kitchen.

"Coming mom!" she sent a reply to Mr.Jeon first before walking to her mom who was already cooking.

Back then, they have chefs to do their breakfast but after the family's business' bankruptcy, their lifestyle changed drastically.

Over the course of the hardship, their family still managed to see the good side in it as they developed closer bond. Just like now, they are laughing as they were preparing their meal. Soon her dad joined them and they all had a warm breakfast.

Dahyun smiled genuinely at her parents. She's really contented this past few days. To her, It doesn't matter if she's not the class sponsor anymore as long as she can get to spend time like this with her family.


Eunwoo was walking to the pastry shop near their house when he recieved the teacher's message.

He quickly typed a reply saying that he will be coming. He can't wait to visit Hoseok who is now resting in their home.

Then he recieved a message from his girlfriend. "Babe, are you coming?" his face automatically lit up after reading Tzuyu's message.

"Yes I am, let's go there together. Okay?"

"Okay. See you babe."

He pushed his phone back to his pocket and started walking slowly to buy a cake for dessert.

Back then, he cannot walk this neighborhood peacefully as he was always chased but his fangirls. But after his talk with Lisa, his life changed.

He's not sure what really happened but there are no more girls chasing him now. The girl who he recognizes as the craziest in all of them even managed to apologize to him personally.

Thankfully, he was finally relieved of his hearthrob's curse. He can now freely walk, enjoy their neighborhood's fresh air without worrying of saesangs.

He thought that Lisa might be his real lucky charm. And because of this, he sweared to protect his friend's relationship with their teacher.


She was contemplating whether to reactivate her Gossip account or not.

She kept staring at her phone the whole morning when suddenly, her phone buzzed with her teacher's name on screen.

"Holy shit!" she crused as she was startled. He read his messaged before typing. "Copy, sir."

Seeing his name alone reminded her of their talk. She realized just how stupid it is for her to consider reactivating her Gossip account when it was Mr.Jeon's number 1 rule to never spread rumors, false accusations etc. again especially if it's about other people.

Great Teacher Jeon | A Liskook AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now