Sweetest Punishment

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Jungkook's POV

"We'll just have to keep the romantic musics playing and then we'll announce the star of the night in an hour or so

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"We'll just have to keep the romantic musics playing and then we'll announce the star of the night in an hour or so." I instructed Jisoo.

"Copy Jk, by the way, you seem to be in a rush. Are you going out somewhere?" she asked.

"I have something to finish back at home." I replied shortly. A smile managed to escape my lips thinking about that girl who must be waiting patiently at home.

I can't wait to see her now. Two hours had just passed but I miss her already.

The venue of the Ball was spacious enough to hold the numbers of seniors students. I look around and observed the couples who were having a good time in either just drinking or dancing.

I see a lot of flirtings too and I can't help but be jealous that I am not in their age. I would love to flirt Lisa if she's just my classmate.

I wonder if Lisa would love this kind of events. I honestly feel bad for not allowing her to come. But I am too jealous and worried for other students to take advantage of the situation and dance with her.

The female students were beautiful in their dresses but I bet if Lisa's just here, she would make an impact amongst them.

If I'm just not jealous, I would probably buy her the best dress than any of these students can wear.

But in the end, I just made her stay at home and promised myself that I will make up for her for being a good girl.

Maybe I can take her out on a late-night date later.

She'll love the idea for sure.

I checked my watch again, it was past 8 in the evening already and I am in a rush to go home. I'm too worried that Lisa get's bored and would hate me for taking so long.

But when I was about to look for Mr.Yang to ask a permision to leave, my attention was grabbed by the gasps and murmors which erupted inside the venue.

My eyes followed where most of the senior male student's eyes were fixated. It moved to the entrance where I first saw Chaeyong but what caught me off guard was the student who walked in with her.

I squinted my eyes first to the familliar girl in red who looked beautifully stunning and attention grabbing. But she was too far that I can't register who she was.

I tried my best to remember her, but when she rolled her eyes at Jimin, that's when I realized that the girl was definitely my girlfriend.

What is happening?

I was confused for a while. I thought I am just hallucinating because I miss her so much but she really is Lisa.

She is there.

Wearing her elegant yet seductive dress. The slit which opens to her long legs is not doing any justice to my poor heart.

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