Years of Being Fooled

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I need passage comments 😭

Taehyung's POV

"Lisa! Over here!" I waved at Lisa who is now carrying Jihoon in her arms, a servant on her side carrying their luggages

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"Lisa! Over here!" I waved at Lisa who is now carrying Jihoon in her arms, a servant on her side carrying their luggages.

She excitedly waved back with her free hand. But It got me worried because she's carrying Jihoon who looked too heavy for her. So I walked to them instead and carried Jihoon for her.

"Daddy!!!" he jumped on my arms the moment he saw me.

God! It feels so good to see my son again!

"Did you miss me?" I asked while ruffling his hair.

"Jihoon missed daddy. Daddy missed Jihoon?" he pouted while asking.

"Of course my son, daddy missed you too."

He started grinning after I gave him satisfying answer and then turned to Lisa. "Daddy miss mommy too?"


"Uhm.." I awkwardly faced Lisa and realized she looked awkward too. She tried to play with her hair while looking away.

"Yes..daddy missed mommy too." I gave him an honest answer which just made Lisa more awkward.

As much as I don't want her to get awkward, I would still act like we are really a couple in the face of my son. That way, he will think that Lisa is really his mother and he can lean on to her when I die.

"I bet mommy and Jihoon is tired from the flight? We better go home now. Let's go Lisa?"

"Let's go Mist--I mean hon"

I smiled at her clumsiness, she's still not used to calling me the name. Maybe because we lived far from each other for years.

The three of us left the airport and my driver drove us back home.

The three of us sat at the back, and on our way home, Jihoon slept on Lisa's lap.

"Are you tired?" I slightly glanced at her to see her beautiful face. She's gotten more prettier now than the last time. Japan was sure a good place for her to stay.

"A little but I'm fine Mr.Kim."

"'re still not used to calling me how I wanted to." I sighed.

"I'm sorry, I was just used to calling you this because it's more realistic than calling you hon." she laughed a bit before turning her gaze at my son.

"I guess you're right. But please don't let him know our secret." I plead while glancing at my son who's now sleeping like an angel.

"You have nothing to worry. I love your son so much and I will do anything just for him to treat me like I'm his real mother." she assured.

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