Fighting Threats

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Lisa's POV

Lisa's POV

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Lisa, Can you throw this outside?" Mother Yasha asked as she hand me a bag of garbage.

"Sure mother." I went straight outside to do the job when a rock hit my forehead.

The impact was strong but not enough to hurt.

'What was that?' I asked my self and looked around, on the opposite side of the road stands three girls. They are the only ones around so I think they're the one who did it.

"Hey you! Did you just hit me with a rock?" I can say they are the same age as me. It seems like they are watching me the whole time and I have a feeling that one of them hit me on purpose.

"Yes! You want more?" I was surprised to hear their answer but what surprised me more was when they started throwing more pebbles on me.

One girl was holding a small sack filled with pebbles.

"I ducked and covered my head but they went closer to me to throw some more.

What the hell is their problem?

"Stop! What are you doing!" I yelled.

"You bitch!"

"You're a slut!"

"You deserve to die!"

They cursed and spat words to mock me but I still don't know what's their problem with me.

The rocks hit my arms and back which served as my sheild to cover my face and head. And even if I can fight back, I have no reasons to do so. So I just remained covering my body until they stop.

"Please stop!" I said.

"We will kill you first before we stop!" one girl said.

"Teacher Lisa?" My heart thumped out of my chest when I hear Lia's voice.

Shit! The children will see me.

"Lia, go back!" I shouted and the girls started laughing evilly. They still continue throwing rocks at me.

"But teacher Lisa, they are hurting you." She said with her teary eyes.

When I saw my precious girl's worried expression, I thought that they really need to stop.

"Lia, we're just playing! Now go back and I'll follow after." Lisa looked at me with confused eyes. I assured her that everything is fine by smiling at her.

Luckily, Lia ran back inside and that is my queue to defend my self.

I stood and ran to a narrow alley nearby the orphanage making the girls chase after me.

They were still throwing rocks at me but I ran faster. Finally, when I made sure that they were no people close by I turn to face them.

"What do you want? Why are you hurting me? " I asked not hinting any sight of fear throigh my voice.

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