The Emissary - Part 2 - Fili x Reader

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In my imagines, the Durin's never die. I love Thorin, Fili, and Kili, and could never kill off my favourite dwarves. So, long live the line of Durin. 😃

It had been some time since the battle of the five armies. And the fight had affected all those that had been involved. Yet life was slowly beginning to find some kind of normality. And Dale and Erebor were gradually being rebuilt, as men and dwarves once again lived side by side in harmony under the rule of Thorin and Bard.

"Bard. There is a contingent of elves riding towards us." An older man called out, as he rushed into the room. A slight air of concern in his voice.

The citizens of the city hadn't seen or heard anything of the woodland elves since the battle. And a few of those left were secretly glad that they hadn't, given what some of them had heard about the king not wanting to help them or the dwarves. So now, Bard was confused as to why Thranduil would all of a sudden send some of his people to the city.

"Well Evan. I suppose that we should go greet our visitors." Bard told the man. Patting his arm reassuringly as the two left the room. The bowman eager to find out could possibly be going on.

"They don't look like woodland elves ta me." Evan said quietly, as the delegation came riding through the gates of the city. Bard, as well as everyone else present staring in disbelief as the group on horseback came to a stop before them. Their eyes locked firmly on the glowing pale haired beauty that was being helped from her steed.

"They aren't." Bard replied, as he stepped forward. Now even more confused than before.

"I wish to speak to the man called Bard." The elleth called out. Bard stepping further forward as he stopped before her.

"That would be me. How can I help you?" Bard asked. The bowman sure that he had never seen anything as beautiful as the she elf in front of him.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. I am lady (Y/n). Daughter of the lord and lady of Lothlórien. I have been sent here by Lord Elrond of Rivendell as emissary between my people, you, and the dwarves of Erebor. He sends you greetings, and good wishes. And an assurance that if you ever need help, I and the rest of my group will be of assistance in any way we can. One or two of my people are gifted healers, and if any of your citizens are still injured, or unwell, they will be more than happy to help." (Y/n) told Bard. Bard taking the lady's hand and kissing it gently.

"It is a privilege to have such a beautiful emissary sent from so far away. Please. You look thirsty. I insist you come inside and rest, my lady." Bard told (Y/n), as he escorted the elleth inside his home. Bain, Sigrid, and Tilda rising quickly from their seats as their father and the lady entered the room.

"You're beautiful." Tilda suddenly commented. (Y/n) chuckling as the little girl looked up at her.

"Why thank you little one. But I assure you, you are just as beautiful." (Y/n) told the little girl, as she brushed some of her lose hair back behind her ear. The elleth smiling at Bain as he handed her a glass of wine, and Sigrid escorted her to a chair.

"You have a beautiful family. But I was wondering if you could tell me about another?" (Y/n) asked, as she took a sip of the wine.

"I know that Thorin barley survived his battle with Azog. But I was wondering if you knew of the Durin princes. Of Kili. Of.........of Fili?" (Y/n) continued hesitantly. Hoping beyond hope that her dwarf had survived the battle.

"Kili was injured by one of the orcs but has recovered well. Fili on the other hand was not as lucky. He was stabbed by Azog and thrown onto the rocks. It was touch and go for a while, but he is slowly recovering now." Bard said, smiling as he saw the look of relief on the she elf's face.

"You know Fili well, my lady?" Bard asked, as (Y/n) looked into the fire next time them. Her thoughts going back to their time in Rivendell. How she had fallen in love with the blonde dwarf prince. And how up until now, she had feared that she would never see him again.

"We.......we met in Rivendell. We became acquainted. He is one of the finest of his kind." (Y/n) replied, a soft smile pulling at her lips, as saw the knowing look in the man's eyes.

"Well, my lady. I am sure that Fili is will be as happy to see you, as you appear to be, him. But may I suggest that you rest here. It's getting dark, and even though Erebor is only a short journey. It may be better to meet your prince after a good night's sleep." Bard told (Y/n). Offering her his arm, before escorting her to a room.


Fili stared off into the distance, not hearing a word of what his uncle, brother, or Dwalin were talking about. He had not been the same since the battle. He had nearly died at the hands of the defiler. And even though his body had slowly recovered from his injuries, the young dwarf princes mind was now permanently fixed on the elleth that he had left behind in Rivendell. The sight of his brother with Tauriel, only making things worse, as he continued to yearn for the she elf that he loved.

He knew that word of the battle would have reached Rivendell. And the sad prince couldn't help but imagine that (Y/n) may have heard that he had died. That she could have given Lindir her hand, believing that she had lost him. But with the knowledge that an emissary was being sent by Lord Elrond from Rivendell, made the young prince hope that he could find out more about (Y/n).

"Thorin. The emissary from Rivendell has arrived. I think that all of you will find it interesting to see who Lord Elrond has sent. Particularly Fili." Balin informed the king and the others, as he walked into the room. A subtle smile pulling at the old dwarves' lips as he saw Fili's face suddenly brighten a little.

Despite how careful (Y/n) and Fili had tried to be during the company's time in Rivendell. The wise old Balin had not failed to notice how Fili and the elven lady would look at one another. How the young prince would suddenly disappear when he thought that none of the others would notice. And how, when Fili had returned to the others before they had secretly departed Imladris, he seemed to have left a part of himself in the beautiful city.


(Y/n) stood in the great hall. Nervously waiting and hoping to see her prince. The night before, Bard had told her of the battle. Of the losses that man, dwarf, and elf had endured. Of the injuries that the Durin's had received. And the idea that her handsome dwarf had nearly been taken from her by the great white orc, had brought her to tears.

"My lady." A voice called out. The elleth turning to be greeted by the five dwarves. (Y/n)'s eyes falling on the blonde prince that was smiling broadly at her.

"King Thorin." (Y/n) began, as she finally dragged her gaze from Fili,

"It is a pleasure to meet you again. Lord Elrond sends you his best wishes. And hopes that our two peoples will be able to............" (Y/n) trailed off. Completely forgetting what she was going to say as Fili came to stand before her. The blonde dwarf slowly taking her hands, as the pairs forgot where they were, and who they were with.

"I thought that I had lost you, my prince. I thought that I would never see you again." (Y/n) said quietly. Fili reaching up and carefully brushing away the shimmering tear that was slowly trickling down her cheek. Balin quietly ushering the other dwarves from the room so that Fili and his elleth could be together.

"I would never leave ya (Y/n). The only reason that I survived was because of you. Because I knew that I had to see ya again. Because I knew that one way or another, we were meant ta be together." Fili replied, as he slowly pulled a small box from his pocket.

"I had these made for ya. Even if I had ta travel back ta Rivendell myself, I would have found a way ta ask ya." The Durin prince continued, opening the box to reveal two small beads.

"I want ta court ya (Y/n). I want ya ta be my wife." Fili declared. (Y/n) leaning down so that her prince could take some strands of her hair. The dwarf braiding the locks before placing in one of the beads.

"I though that you would never ask." (Y/n) chuckled, as her soft lips met Fili's. The dwarf offering his lady his arm as the two began to walk from the great hall. The pair knowing that their lives were just about to begin.     

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