The beautiful orc - Part 3 - Fili x Reader

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They had been following the dwarves for some time; the wargs pursuing the stench of the ground dwellers. She had had it all planned, even before her father had agreed to her going after Oakenshield, she knew what she would do. She knew of dwarves, of men and elves. She knew more than an orc should; her travels, her appearance allowing her to meet the enemies of her father, allowed her to study them and learn how to beat them. And these dwarves........this Company of Thorin Oakenshield, that wished to reclaim the distant mountain from the dragon that had slept under the gold within; the dragon that had taken the Lonely Mountain long before she was even born, would be no different.

She was aware of their secretive nature, of their stubbornness and their distrust....... particularly of elves. But she also knew that they had good hearts, that they could be gentle and sweet despite their often gruff demeanour; and they also had a liking for a pretty face. So, she would use that against them; the daughter of the Defiler pushing those that her father had sent with her, ever onward. Pushed them to get ahead of Oakenshield and the others. And when they had, she had been able to put her plan into action. The child of the great white orc ordering the others to beat her, to bloody her; to tear her clothes and her hair, it obvious that they had enjoyed making her hurt, far too much. So much so, that if it had not been her plan, she would happily have slaughtered each and every one; but she would have her revenge. The fools not knowing that they were bait to draw in the dwarves. That it was her intention to have them slaughtered by the accursed son of Thráin and those that followed him on his quest. The beautiful orc doing her best not to laugh, as she heard the sound of dwarves' rush towards them. As she heard the shouts of those that the smaller men put to death. Stopping herself from smiling, as the scene went quiet for a moment. As she then heard only the voices of those that had been victorious. The most dangerous of orcs, allowing herself to fall into unconsciousness, as she felt someone kneel beside her and brush the blood matted hair from her face.


"You'll be alright................" A male voice suddenly came, as the Defiler's daughter began to regain consciousness. Able to feel a damp cloth being placed gently to her forehead.

"We saved you, you need not fear any longer.............." The voice continued; the male jumping slightly, as she let out a soft moan.

"She's awake.........." He exclaimed. The beautiful orc slowly opening her eyes to see a pale haired dwarf looking down at her.

"Its alright..........I won't hurt name if Fili.......?" The pale dwarf explained, as she struggled away from him. Her eyes widening in false terror, as she looked at him and the other dwarves that had rushed over.

"I............where.......where am I? How did you..................?" She asked with a trembling tone. Tears pulling at her eyes, as she looked at the robust men that were before her. As she looked at the dwarves and..............a Hobbit.

"Well........." Fili began, rubbing the back of his neck and feeling slightly awkward.

"We are............I don't really know where we are. But we saw you and the orcs, and we came to your rescue.............."

"Are they................?"

"Dead...........ay!" Another dwarf interjected. His tone much gruffer than the one that had just introduced himself as Fili. His gaze a little more suspicious. The child of the white orc, suddenly beginning to sob at his words. Her fingers gripping at Fili's coat, as he came to her side. The pale haired dwarf combing his fingers carefully through her bloody hair, as she buried her head into his chest and wept.

"Its alright. You're safe...........I'm......I'm going to look after you............" Fili told her. The prince sure that his heart had just stopped, as she moved so that she could look up into his eyes.

" will..............?"

"Who are you........? Where do ya come from..........? Why were ya with tha orcs..............." An even gruffer voice then the one before, enquired, as Fili was about to reply. The white orc's daughter looking up to see the one that she knew without even being introduced, was Thorin Oakenshield.

" name is (Y/n). I come from a little village called Belletree. The orcs.........they........they came to my home; they burnt it to the ground and kill.........and killed everyone I knew. They were about to kill me too; but one noticed my dark eyes, told the others that they should take me instead. That they should give me Azog............" She explained. The dwarves looking at one another at the sound of the Defiler's name.

"They said that they were going to hurt me again, because I tried to run away. They said they were going to........going to............." (Y/n) continued, before bursting into tears again and turning back to Fili.

"I think that we should leave this fa now, lad.............." Balin said, as he placed his hand on Thorin's arm. The elder dwarf not liking the notion of distressing the young woman any more than she already was. Thorin looking at his old friend and nodding reluctantly, before stepping away. The other dwarves slowly following suit so that they could set up a camp for the night, leaving Fili and the the young woman alone. The blonde prince mare than happy to just sit there and comfort her. 

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