Soul of the Lonely Mountain - Part 3 - Thorin x Reader

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Thorin walked out onto the ramparts. The King under the Mountain slightly taken aback as his eyes fell on the soul of his kingdom. The elleth speaking quietly up to the sky. It had been some time since he seen the elleth, the she elf seeming to do everything she could to avoid him, despite him doing everything he could to be in her presence at every opportunity. Thorin knew why she was doing it. That all she could see in him was the husband that she had lost. A husband that was now the rock under which they lived. But if he could only find a way to tell the exquisite creature how he truly felt. How he wished that he could replace the braids and beads in her hair that she had removed the night that she had come back to life. How he wished he could tell her how he felt. Then maybe, just maybe, he could make her smile again. Yet despite being able to face an army of orcs, and even the defiler himself, when it came to the elleth, he seemed to become nothing more than a young dwarf again that was afraid of speaking to the opposite sex.

Since others had found out that the soul of the mountain was real, more and more dwarves had begun to return to the Erebor. Even dwarves from other kingdoms had come to pay their respects to the legendary creature that many saw as much a part of their own history as she was of the Durin folk. Even Bard had come from Dale to meet the fabled creature. The bowman seemingly as captivated as all the dwarves were.

Most of her time she would spend with Balin and the others of the company. The dwarves taking great delight in telling (Y/n) about how they had taken back the mountain. About the mighty dragon that had held their home for so many years. About the great battle that had been fought outside, and about how the world had changed since her time. But more than anything, she had wanted to know about Thorin. Wanted to know the new king that as every day passed, she felt more and more drawn to.

(Y/n) knew that it wasn't just the fact that Thorin looked identical to Thrar. That it wasn't just that he sounded and moved in exactly the same way that her husband had done, that attracted her to him. She could see something in the king. Something unique and real in the often sad looking dwarf, and she couldn't help but want to make him smile. But she feared that the king would never feel the same. That he would always see her as belonging to the mountain and would never love her.

"My lady." Thorin said softly. Not wishing to shock the elleth that hadn't noticed his presence.

"Your majesty." (Y/n) replied as she turned to look at him. The she elf bowing gracefully.

"My apologises. I was just speaking to my mother. Speaking to the mountain." (Y/n) continued, as she placed her hand on the cold rock, and looked up at the great celestial orb that hung high overhead.

"And what were you speaking about, if you don't mind my asking?" Thorin enquired as he took a few steps closer to (Y/n). The dwarf king feeling his heart pound violently in his chest as (Y/n) smiled up at the mighty moon.

"Nothing really, I suppose. Just that I miss her. That one day I will see her and my father again. That one day I will be able to thank her for all that she did. That I will be able to thank Thrar for his protection. But most of all I will be able to thank them for allowing me to meet you." (Y/n) declared, turning to look at a shocked Thorin.

"For me?" Thorin asked, as (Y/n) took a seat on an ancient stone bench and tapped the spot next to her. Hoping the Thorin would join her. A small smile pulling at the corners of her lips as he did just that.

"Of course. To begin with, I must confess that I only saw Thrar when I looked at you. That was why I spent so much time with the others, because looking at you just reminded me of all I lost. And I also felt I had a duty to be there for all your people that were returning, because I am as much a part of them as the mountain itself. But as the others told me about your quest. About how much the mountain and its soul meant to you. About how brave, strong and loyal you are. About all the obstacles that you and they faced just to get back your home. I no longer saw Thrar, I saw Thorin. And I.........well I began to love you. I know that you may not feel the same. That you may only see me as belonging to the mountain. But Balin told me about the end of my legend. That if a worthy dwarf that truly loved me, kissed me. I would return to life and protect the mountain and its people, just as it had protected me. All I can hope is that you are that worthy dwarf. And that as my Arkenstone heart is already considered the kings stone, that the soul too might be considered as the kings." (Y/n) explained, as she cautiously took Thorin's hand. The king under the mountain not sure what to do or say as he felt the elleth's fingers intertwine with his.

Thorin knew that he had been the one to kiss her. He knew that he must have been to one to wake her from her slumber. Knew of the end of the legend. But to think that he was truly worthy of the soul. That the soul herself thought that he was worthy not only to possess her heart, but also the rest of her, made Thorin believe that he must be dreaming. That after all those years of living in the world of men and working as a humble blacksmith. After the long quest and the war. That not only had he taken his rightful place as king, but now the soul of his kingdom was telling him that she loved him and hoped that he loved her, seemed like an impossibility.

"Thorin. Could you love me. Could you see me as more than just the soul?" (Y/n) asked nervously. The elleth feeling her heart break as the king pulled his hands away. (Y/n) not noticing as Thorin reached inside his pocket and pulled out a small box.

From that first night, Thorin had wanted to replace the courting bead that she had taken out, with one of his own. Wanted to tell everyone that he loved the soul, and to do that he had commissioned the finest courting bead to be crafted by the most gifted goldsmith that had returned to Erebor. And now he knew that it would not be wasted.

"My lady (Y/n). Great heart and soul of the mountain. Would you do me the honour of allowing a humble dwarf to court you and call you his own." Thorin declared as (Y/n) looked between Thorin and the gleaming golden bead that sat in the box.

"Only if the great Thorin Oakenshield. Son of Thráin. Grandson of Thrór. King under the Mountain. Will allow a humble elleth to do the same." (Y/n) replied, as she produced a box of her own. The bead inside fashioned from the silima that had surrounded her slumbering form.

"Then it would appear, that not only do I have the heart and soul of the mountain as my own. My people and I, also have a new queen." Thorin responded. The dwarf leaning over to kiss his elleth. The great mountain rumbling happily as (Y/n) and Thorin made their way to tell the Durin Folk.  

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