Lady of Love - Part 2 - Elrond x Reader

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Again, everything in italics is Sindarin.

Valar. That was the only thing that Elrond could think of as the princess of Mirkwood made her way into his day room. Her smile shaming the sun. The sparkling in her eyes, making the night stars look dull in comparison. Her hair, which just like her brothers was as pale as moonlight, hung softly over her finely sculpted shoulders and down past the small of her back. Her skin appearing to be as soft as the petals of a newly blooming rose. Exquisite was not even an appropriate word to describe the elleth in front of him. In fact, there was no word in any language that he knew, that could effectively describe the female before him. The half-eleven lord feeling his usually calm heart begin to race, as she looked at him. The pair standing quietly, comfortably, in complete silence. The smile never leaving the lady's lips. Her eyes never leaving his for one moment.

If there were ever a Lady of Love, she was surely it. Elrond not able to blame the dwarves for having been besotted with her. For using her as inspiration for the Lasgalen gems. The lord sure that she was every lady of the Valar, all rolled into one perfect creature. That she was Varda Elentári, Queen of the Valar. She was Yavanna Kementári the Fruit-Giver, the Lady of Earth. Nienna the Weeper, the Lady of Mercy. Estë the Gentle, Lady of Healing and Rest. Vairë the Weaver, Vána the Ever young, and Nessa the Dancer. Her form so fine that it could have only been sculpted by Eru's thoughts themselves. The Lord of Imladris unable to think, to breath, to form a coherent word, as the vision stepped closer.

"Lord Elrond. It is a pleasure. My nephew has told me much of you, much of your wonderful home. And I can only thank you for allowing me to come here. I love Mirkwood, but truly, Imladris is the most wonderful place that I have ever seen. I feel honoured to be here." (Y/n) said. Elrond's heart jumping up into his throat. The lord desperately trying to swallow, so that he could reply.

The dark haired ellon could have sworn that he had just heard the sweetest music. That instead of words, what had left her lips was the sound of harps and lyres. That it was the sound of the Music of the Ainur. Elrond forcing his trembling legs to move closer. His hand hesitantly reaching out to take that of his guest. To bring it up to his lips and carefully kiss her knuckles.

" is is Imladris that is honoured to have you here. And it is my pleasure to meet you also. I am afraid I cannot say that Laegolas did me the same service. I was not quite sure what to expect before your arrival. Yet now you are here, any story that I had heard was nothing compared to the elleth before me..........." Elrond replied, before kissing her hand again. His brows furrowing slightly, as the lady let out an amused giggle.

"Let me guess. You had heard that my brother kept me locked away out of concern of losing me just as he did, his bride. That I was a feared warrior that fought all manner of enemies and left even the bravest warrior trembling at my name. Or, perhaps, that I was cold, cruel. That just like my home, I had fallen victim to the necromancer's powers? Well, I am afraid very little of those stories are true. And the one about the necromancers evil infecting me, is most definitely incorrect. Though, it does make for a quite amusing tale..........."

"I was thinking more of the story that you were the inspiration for the White Gems of Lasgalen. That the dwarves were able to create them because of you and their love for you. That they had named you the Lady of Love..........." Elrond replied. Finding himself smiling as a light blush came to the princess' cheeks.

"Ahhhhh, that tale............Well, I must confess that there may be more truth to that story than all the others. Though I must confess that I find myself a little embarrassed about the whole thing. It is not that I have ever disliked dwarves. I always found them, despite their grumpiness, rather the most pleasing peoples to be around. I swear that they know how to have fun like no other in Middle Earth. Though since my brother refused to help King Thrór save Erebor from the fire drake and offered no aid to the refugees afterward, despite my protests and pleadings, I have not seen one of their kind for quite some time. No, it is not the notion of dwarves finding me pleasing that embarrasses me, it is the fact that I doubt that I could inspire such wonders. Such beauty. I am always afraid that if someone has heard that tale, they would be rather disappointed when they actually came to meet me." The princess confessed. Elrond quite taken aback by how humble she was. The lord more than sure that the lady of the dark wood could find herself a muse to any artist. Sure, that there had been songs composed about her beauty. Stories of love written by the lovesick, who lamented the lost chance to make her theirs. That there were paintings that adorned the walls of all the greatest kingdoms, just so that the artist could feel as though she were close. And even that Manwë Súlimo the King of the Winds, King of the Valar himself had moved the stars to form her likeness in the night sky. Yet here she was, seemingly suggesting that she was nothing special at all. Elrond unable to stop his smile from growing broader at the sweetness of the princess.


(Y/n) couldn't help but feel the heat on her cheeks, as the Lord of Imladris continued to look at her. As he smiled sweetly at her. As she had said, Laegolas had told her much of the beauty of the realm. Much of its lord. But he had never told her that the half-elven was quite this handsome.

It was true that she had met many a beautiful ellon. Many a handsome man and distinguished dwarf. But this ellon, in her mind, overshadowed them all. She had always classed herself as a good judge of character, and this Elrond already seemed to have the sweetest of natures. A gentle heart and accepting mind. Much different to her brother. For even though she greatly loved Thranduil, and could remember happier days, she was well aware that he could be cold and closed to even those who loved him. And if he thought of you as an enemy; if he thought there was a threat to his kingdom, he could be downright cruel.

"Would you allow me to show you, our home?" Elrond suddenly said. His soft voice breaking the spell of his beautiful eyes that drew her attention and had kept her captivated.

"I would very much like that, my lord..............." (Y/n) replied; the princess taking the arm that he offered. The Lady of Love letting the Lord lead her out of the room and back into the sunlight. 

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