Opposites - Part 1 - Frodo x Reader

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For ShireStrawberry144

A loud, joyous laugh filled the inn. No one having to turn to know whom it had come from. (Y/n) had always been a little.......extrovert. She had always been the loud little girl that had loved to talk, loved any social situation. It seeming that the more hobbits that surrounded her, the happier she was. (Y/n) the first one to start dancing when there was the slightest excuse. The first to encourage others to do the same.

"Can she never be quiet........?" Sam huffed slightly, as (Y/n) laughed again, at something Rosie must have said. Frodo, Merry and Pippin looking over to the gardener. Sam seeming to be one of the very few in Hobbiton, in the Shire, that found (Y/n)'s louder nature, to be annoying.

"I like her..........."

"Me too............" Merry agreed with Pippin, as they looked over to where (Y/n) and Rosie stood behind the bar, cleaning the tankards, and serving other hobbits that had made their way down Bywater Road, to the Green Dragon inn.

"You two would...........she's as bad as you........" Sam grumbled slightly, before taking a drink of his ale. Merry and Pippin just smiling broadly, before banging their tankards together and taking a drink of their own.

"What do you think of (Y/n), Frodo............?" Pippin enquired, nudging Merry, as he noticed that Frodo's eyes were yet to leave the form of the really very beautiful female. The dark, curly haired hobbit giving (Y/n) the same look that Sam would give Rosie.

"What.........? Oh, I............I think that she's nice..........." Frodo finally replied. Using his large tankard to try and cover the blush that had come to his cheeks. Merry and Pippin just letting out a laugh at his words. Not sure how Frodo could tell Sam that he should talk to Rosie, when he couldn't talk to (Y/n).


"Talk to him..............." Rosie suddenly said, as she caught (Y/n) looking over at the table of four hobbits, for what felt like the hundredth time since the quartet made their way inside the inn.


"Go and talk to Frodo. You know you want to..........." Rosie continued. Finding it quiet amusing that even though her friend was so outgoing in every other area of her life, when it came to a certain Baggins, it was as if she turned into a scarred little mouse.

"No, no, I couldn't............" (Y/n) replied, before pretending that she was busying herself with something behind the bar.

"And why not................?"

"Well.........we, we are just too.........opposite. And what would a handsome hobbit like Frodo Baggins, want to talk to me for...............? He would want a girl that was far more beautiful than me........" (Y/n) countered, as she looked at her reflection in one of the little windows.

(Y/n) had never been the type to think that she was pretty; believing that her personality made up for the lack of looks. And the notion of not being beautiful had never really bothered her, until all her friends had begun to court. She and Rosie the only ones that were not walking out with someone. And (Y/n) knew that Rosie was only waiting for Sam to pluck up the courage to say something to her. So that really just left her............

"What are you talking about, (Y/n)........?" The bubbly blonde interrupted, as she looked at her friend in disbelief. Rosie knowing how many others would compliment (Y/n). How many would remark that they had never seen anyone prettier.

"Nothing. It doesn't matter. Now, I have some things that I need to do out the back............" (Y/n) simply said, taking one last look over at the handsome Baggins: before making her way out of the inn. Not noticing the disappointed look in Frodo's eyes as she left.


(Y/n) dropped herself onto a large barrel. Rosie was right, she really did want to talk to Frodo. He was a hobbit that was taller than some, and to her eyes at least, fairer than most; and for some time now, she had felt herself fall further and further in love, with the sometimes shy, yet still kind and compassionate Frodo. But, despite the desire to tell him how she felt, (Y/n) had always believed that her more exuberant character was too much a contrast with that of Frodo's, for him ever to feel the same. (Y/n) convincing herself that the dark-haired younger Baggins, found her as annoying as Sam seemed to. Hoping that one day, her heart would forget about him. That someday, another hobbit would somehow magically appear from somewhere; a hobbit that was more like her. A hobbit that would make her forget all about Frodo Baggins; but she doubted it. Though, if Gandalf could magic one up for her the next time that he came to the Shire........(Y/n) laughing at herself. At the notion of thinking such a thing. At the thought of the look on the old man's face, if she were to ask him to do just that. Sure, that he would probably choke on his pipe smoke.

With a heavy sigh, she got to her feet. As much as she would just like to stay out there for the rest of the night, she knew she couldn't; it wasn't fair on Rosie for one. And for another, she had a job to do, whether Frodo was there or not. (Y/n) opening the door and making her way back inside, hoping that the inn would be busier, and more customers would take her mind off the handsome hobbit. Breathing a sigh of relief, as she saw that there were, indeed, a few more patrons. Her usual broad smile returning to her lips, as she made her way back behind the bar, to help Rosie. 

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