Dragon lover - Part 7 - Smaug x Reader

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It had been days and days now. Each night she went to sleep, (Y/n) would pray that she would wake the next morning to find that she was still snuggled up to her favourite dragon; and each morning, she was surprised to see that her prayer had been answered, and that Smaug was still her pillow. His long tail wrapped around them both, as they slept. And each day brought with it a new chance to spend more time with the last of the fire drakes. The dragon transforming into his humanoid form, so that he could wander through the countless corridors of the Lonely Mountain, with her. Smaug simply smiling as he watched her; (Y/n) still not having lost the childlike wonder that she felt with every new room that she found. The pair spending the evenings, under torchlight, telling one another about their worlds. Smaug giving her an insight into his life before his attack on Dale and the Mountain; before he had claimed the dwarven treasure, as his own. The man then becoming his true form once again, before they would settle down for the night.

"I have something to show you, my dear (Y/n)...........Something special......." Smaug said, as he led her down an ornate corridor, after yet another long day of taking in all the wonders of the Mountain. The handsome, elegant man gesturing for her to close her eyes as they got to a large, heavy looking door. (Y/n) doing as she was bid, closing her eyes and listening as she heard Smaug move around her and push open the slightly creaky door. Her heart beating a little quicker, as she felt him come up behind her and place his hands on her shoulders, before slowly pushing her forward. Goosebumps pricking at her skin, as she felt his warm breath move over the flesh of her neck and shoulder, as it moved around her ear and into her hair. His closeness making her own breath catch in her throat.

"You may open them now................" The dragon informed her. (Y/n) slowly opening her eyes to find herself in the most beautiful of bedrooms. A gasp leaving her lips, as she looked at the expanse. Unlike most of the rest of the Mountain, which was just.......well, rock and gold, the walls of this room had been painted so finely that it appeared that she was looking out of a window onto Middle Earth; the ceiling designed as a night sky. And in the middle of the room, stood a bed so large and fine, that it could have only belonged to a king.

"It.........its amazing............." (Y/n) finally managed to say, as she made her way further into the room. Doing her best to take it all in.

"I have noticed that you are not comfortable at night, I thought this would be better for you. More suitable for the new queen.........." Smaug explained, as he came to join her. (Y/n) turning to look at him, her eyes widening all the more.

"But............I don't mind. I like sleeping with you, I don't mind it being uncomfortable. As beautiful as this room is, I don't want to sleep in here by myself................"

"Who said that you would be here by yourself............?" Smaug replied, as he moved over to the bed and took a seat on the corner of the mattress.

"But you can't fit in here. You're too big as a dragon............."

"And who said I would take my dragon form? There is plenty of room for me, for both of us, as I am now. And there is more than enough room for the two of us in this bed..............." The dragon continued, with a small smile. (Y/n) feeling her cheeks begin to heat up, as she realised what he meant. Taking a seat next to him, as he patted the empty spot by his side.

"You.........you want to share the bed............?"

"And why not. We have slept together every other night................"

"Yes, but that was with you in your true form. With you as a dragon............"

"And what makes it so different with it being in this form? Does this form not please you................?"

"What? Well, yes. Of course.........I mean, of course this form is pleasing. I think that you are beautiful in both forms. But this form.......this form.......I............" (Y/n) tried to explain. Tried to think of a way to tell the dragon that while he was as a man, her thoughts would always drift to other things. Things that she would not think of when he was the great red dragon.

"This form, what....................?" Smaug enquired. His voice deep and seductive, as he closed the gap between them, reaching up his hand to brush some hair away from her face.

"This form............this form is.............." (Y/n) gulped, as she looked into Smaug's eyes. A fire beginning to burn within them. His glowing orbs pulling her ever closer.

"I have something else for you............" The dragon added with a low growl, as he turned her around slightly. (Y/n) reaching up, as she felt something cold being placed around her neck.

"It was too good for an Elven queen. But for the Queen under the Mountain; for my queen, it pales in comparison............" Smaug continued. (Y/n) looking down to see the most exquisite necklace that she had ever seen. It so light, that it could only have been fashioned from Mithril. The jewels housed within the precious metal, so perfect, so clear, she could see her reflection within them.

"Is this.........is this.......some of the White Gems of Lasgalen?" (Y/n) enquired, as she turned to look at Smaug.

"Indeed, yet no matter their fabled beauty; they are nothing when compared to your visage....." The dragon explained, as he moved an arm around her waist, his hand onto her blushed cheek.

"There is one way that they might improve though............." He told her, whispering softly into her ear.

"How.........how is that..................?" (Y/n) countered, feeling more and more flustered by the moment at the closeness of the handsome dragon.

"If they were set against nothing but your naked flesh..............." Smaug growled, as he pushed (Y/n) backwards onto the mattress. His lips connecting with hers. 

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