Jealous - Part 1 - Bofur x Reader

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(Y/n) rolled her eyes, as Bofur seemingly did his best to charm the latest dwarrowdam that had come to look at his little workshop. Now that the quest was over, now that the Lonely Mountain once more belong to the Durin's folk, those that had followed Thorin Oakenshield, had drifted back to their normal lives. Bofur turning an empty space into his own little workshop, where he had gone back to making toys. The floor covered in wood shavings from all the completed projects that were sat on the shelves, just waiting for a home. Waiting for some little one to fall in love with them. Yet most of the time, it seemed to be single dwarrowdams that had no intention of buying the toys that were on offer; apparently more interested in the cheeky toymaker, than anything else. (Y/n) always ending up either shaking her head, or like now, rolling her eyes, as she listened to some silly female, giggle at Bofur's jokes.

(Y/n) was the youngest child of Fundin. The dwarrowdam much younger than both of her brother's, which had always meant that not only was she the apple of the family eye, but she was also protected; even more so than most dwarrowdams. Dwalin taking it upon himself to warn off more than one perspective suitor whom he deemed unsuitable, over the years. So, once the Mountain had been reclaimed, Balin had sent for her; both he and Dwalin wanting to make sure that their little sister was under their watchful eyes. And (Y/n) had been happy to see them again, to see Thorin and Fili and Kili, again; it feeling as though things would go back to how they had been in the Blue Mountains. But it was when she had met Bofur, that her life had changed.

He was a charming dwarf, a little flirty it was true; but he had a way of making you smile. He had a cheery personality that would lighten any sour mood, and as he had given her a tour of his workshop, the only thing that she had had to say, was that his creations could do with a little colour. (Y/n) offering her services, much to Dwalin's chagrin, to bring that spark of life to the wooden toys. And so, that was what she did, often spending many hours with the toymaker, painting his creations. Though, the more time that she spent with him, the more she had come to see that she was falling in love with the hat wearing dwarf; and the more his flirtations with other dwarrodams, had come to hurt.

"She didn't buy anything then...........?" (Y/n) enquired. Doing her best to not sound too sarcastic, as the female dwarf left the workshop.

"What......? Oh, no. But she was charming, don't you think...........?"

"No, I don't............" (Y/n) grumbled under her breath. Growing more annoyed, as her paintbrush slipped and sent a coloured streak across the wood.

"Are you alright, (Y/n)..........?" Bofur asked, as she came over to her.

"I am fine......why wouldn't I be.............?"

"It's just........I have never seen you make a mistake........"

"Well, you have now..........." (Y/n) snapped back, as she got up from her chair and turned to look at him.

"I am sorry that I cannot be as perfect as all those other dwarrowdams that come in here.............." The youngest child of Fundin added, while fighting back tears. Bofur's brows furrowing as he looked at her.

He had to admit that he was worried about her. When she had started to help him, she had been so chatty, and they had got on so well. (Y/n) bringing all his toys to life with a special dash of colour. And as they have talked, as they had spent more time together, he had come to realise that he was growing to care for her. That, dare he say, he had grown to love her. The toymaker even having fashion some courting beads for her hair, for when he summoned up the courage to go and ask her brothers if he could court her. But recently, (Y/n) had become quiet. Her smile not appearing as much as it used to. And Bofur couldn't understand why. Sure, that he would have to talk to someone; that he would have to discover what had happened.

"(Y/n) I wasn't...........why don't you go back to your rooms. Go and rest..........?"

"Yes, maybe I will. Maybe I won't even come back, and you can have one of those other dwarrowdams, instead.............." (Y/n) agreed, the tears finally breaking through, as she ran for the door and into the corridor.

"(Y/n)............?!" Bofur called out, as he reached the door. Only able to see her figure disappearing down the long corridor. The toymaker still not sure what he had done or said; still not sure whether it was him that had upset her. Not sure whether he should hide or not, given the fact that if he had upset (Y/n), then Dwalin was bound to come calling. The big dwarf demanding to know what he had done.

"Hello Bofur..........." A voice came. The hatted dwarf turning to see Bilbo.

"Was that (Y/n)...........?" He continued, as he looked down the long passageway.

"Yes.......she.......she seemed to be upset.............."

"Did you have anyone come into the workshop..........?" The hobbit continued with a smile, as Bofur quirked a brow.

"Yes...........Aivlia came to have a look..............."

"Well, there you have it................."

"There I have what...........?" Bofur countered. Bilbo only seeming to confuse him more.

"(Y/n) is in love with you. She is jealous of how you flirt with other dwarrowdams............" The hobbit explained. Bilbo smiling all the more, as the penny finally seemed to drop in the hat wearing dwarf's mind. It Bilbo's turn to furrow his brows as Bofur disappeared into his workshop and then reappeared.

"Do you know where Balin and Dwalin are............?"

"I........I think they are with Thorin............." Bilbo replied, before Bofur took his turn to run off. The dwarf asking him to watch the workshop until he returned. Until he showed (Y/n) there was no reason for her to be jealous. 

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