Water maiden - Part 4 - Bilbo x Reader

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Bilbo audible grumbled, as yet another knock came to his front door. He had only had the beauteous water maiden in his home for a few short hours, yet he was sure that every Boffin, Bolger, Bracegirdle, Brandybuck, Burrowes, Chubb, Grubb, Hornblower, Proudfoot, Sackville, and Took in the Shire, had come to call. All of them eager to introduce themselves to Bilbo's new visitor. The only son of Bungo Baggins and Belladonna Took, having a feeling that (Y/n) had not only bewitched Filibert when she had cast her enchantment, but everyone else. Every male turning up with some small token of affection as they had asked to see the injured maiden. And the women arriving on mass, with cakes, scones, muffins, cookies and cobblers. Some with steaming pots of tea and others with jugs of wine. The ladies not listening to Bilbo's protests, as they all barged past him and made themselves comfortable around the water maid. It more then obvious that (Y/n) had no idea what was going on as the females began to chatter. Asking her all manner of questions as they pushed cups of tea and sweet treats into her hands. One or two of them even examining the work that Bilbo had done to (Y/n)'s leg. The owner of Bag End sure that he had been able to get more of a word in, when Thorin and the other dwarves had come to his home.

"Who?.........Oh, its you Filibert. How can I help?" Bilbo sighed, as from behind a large bunch of flowers appeared the face of the older, usually gruff and overly opinionated hobbit.

"I, er.........I have just come to see your guest, Bilbo. To check that she is well." Filibert told the by now rather annoyed looking Baggins. The quite rotund, grey haired hobbit, pushing his way past Bilbo and into the main hall of the home. Filibert following the sounds of female chatter. A broad smile spreading across his lips as he saw the face of the water maid once again. The old hobbit walking over the overfilled plates and steaming cups of tea that strewn the floor. Pushing through the crowd of ladies so that he could present his bouquet to a slightly bemused (Y/n).

Bilbo couldn't help but see the look on his guest's face. It was obvious that (Y/n) felt uncomfortable with not just all the attention, but also with the crowd. It wasn't that the others meant her any harm, far from it. It was just that (Y/n) had managed to make the usually insular and suspicious inhabitants of the Shire, curious and slightly rambunctious. These traits normally saved for festivities and birthdays. But as yet another cup of tea was thrust into (Y/n)'s hands. Its contents spilling on one of his best rugs. Bilbo knew that it was about time that the rest of the Shire returned to what it would normally be doing, while he and (Y/n) settled in for the evening.

"That's it. OUT! Everyone out. We are no longer open to visitors." Bilbo called out. All the other hobbits turning to look at him as he stormed into the sitting room. The Baggins pushing the other hobbits out of his house. Filling their arms with the plates and crockery, as they passed him. Bilbo completely ignoring the grumbles and gripes as the last of his visitors was forced out of Bag End. The door slamming unceremoniously behind them.

"I'm so sorry, Bilbo. I didn't think that my enchantment would work quite that well. But there again, I've never tried it on hobbits before. As I told you, I usually use it so that I can stop others from hurting or trying to capture me. I don't normally stay around to see the aftereffects. I am sorry that they all came barging in like that." (Y/n) explained with an apologetic sigh, as Bilbo pulled the curtains together. Shooing the little ones away that were still trying to get a look at the water maid, through the panes of the window.

"It alright, (Y/n). But, er.........when will it all wear off." Bilbo replied, as he dropped into his old comfortable armchair that sat by the fireplace.

"Well........I am afraid that the enchantment will remain as long as I am here. Though I am sure that once they get used to me, that some of their interest will wane. And I will only be here until the wound has healed. Then I will return to the water, you will have your home back. And everything, and everyone will be as they were." (Y/n) responded with yet another apologetic sigh. Bilbo sitting up bolt upright in his chair, at the idea of the water maid leaving as soon as she was well.

As much as he didn't like all the visitors, or the intrusions, he had no desire for (Y/n) to leave. Even though he knew that she belonged in the seas as much as hobbits belong in the Shire, and dwarves belonged in Erebor, that didn't mean that he wanted her to go home so soon. In fact, he had hoped that he could persuade her to stay a little longer. To stay a lot longer.

"You.........you don't have to leave, (Y/n). Even when you are recovered, you don't have to leave unless you really want to. As you say, I am sure that once the others are used to you, things will get back to normal." Bilbo told her. The hobbit sure that his heart would burst from his chest as (Y/n) smiled and pushed a few of his curls away from his face.

"I........I think that perhaps I would like that, Bilbo. The seas are vast and beautiful, but I can get a little lonely at times. And even though I do come across the great ships teaming with their crews, most of the time they just sail by, not even realising that I am there unless some disaster befalls them. It is nice to meet others. To hear their laughter and chatter. It is nice to be welcomed. And.......it is nice to meet someone like you, Bilbo. A good soul. So, if you don't mind, perhaps I will stay a little longer. Or, as long as you would like me to stay at least." (Y/n) replied. Her smile growing broader as Bilbo took her hand and kissed her knuckles softly.

"Then, (Y/n). I hope that you will come to see Bag End as much your home as it is mine." Bilbo told her. A comfortable, warm silence growing between the two, as the pair looked at one another.

"Home. I like the sound of that." (Y/n) finally said. The water maid confused slightly as Bilbo suddenly jumped to his feet, as his eyes fell on the clock that sat on the mantel above the fire. The hobbit realising that he had much to do before it got too late, to ensure that his new adventure did truly feel at home. 

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