Are you sure? - Éomer x Reader

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A Request for RL_REDHH. Hope you all enjoy

"Are you sure?" (Y/n) asked the healer that had been sent from Gondor by her brother.

"Yes, my queen. There is no doubt." The old man replied. Smiling softly at the younger sister of the King of Gondor.

"But I was informed that I could not. I was told the injuries that I received during my time as a Ranger, would prevent it." The lady continued. Still in utter shock at the news.

"Well, it would appear that the great Béma has looked down favourably on you and the king, my queen. There is no mistaking that you are with child. King Éomer is to have an heir. And King Elessaris, is to be an uncle." The healer affirmed. Giving the Dúnedain another smile.

"Thank you Einaar. Thank you................" The lady replied. The elderly man getting to his feet and helping the slightly shaky looking queen, to rise.

"Oh, and may I be the first to congratulate you, your Grace. Please rest assured that I am at your service during you time." The healer continued, as he opened the door and bowed respectfully. The queen nodding in thanks and making her way out into the long corridor.

For a moment she stood there. It was hard to believe that her life had turned out the way that it had. Like she had informed the healer, just as her older brother, she had spent many years as a Ranger. Receiving an injury in a battle that had been so severe that, again as she had said, an elven healer had told her that she would never have children of her own. That piece of terrible news, along with the notion that no man would want her because she could not provide him with an heir, something that she had slowly come to terms with over the years.

But then she had met Éomer at the coronation of her brother, instantly falling in love with the strikingly handsome blonde. His smile making her heart leap. His voice pulling at the strings of her heart. And his touch taking her breath away. Yet she had done her best to avoid him during his stay in Gondor. The Dúnedain knowing that no king would want to be with a woman that could not provide him with an heir to his kingdom. Yet one day he had found her. The sad look in his eyes as he asked her why she had been evading him, breaking her heart all the more. The former Ranger unable to stop the tears from falling as she had explained why. Informing him that despite the feelings that she had for him, she had no desire to hurt either of them. That it was best that they go their own ways, and he find a real queen. (Y/n) sure that at that moment, as Éomer had moved to stand, her heart had broken into a million tiny shards, never to be whole again. Yet as she thought he was about to walk away, instead the once Third Marshal of the Riddermark turned and dropped to one knee. Taking her hand in his, before swearing his eternal love. Asking her to be his bride. Telling her that he did not care if she could not provide him with children. That all he wanted to do was love her and be loved by her in return. The daughter of Arathorn falling into his arms. Joy replacing the sorrow that had filled her soul only moments before. Yet here she was now, with child. With his child. Éomer's child. The news finally sinking into her mind, a huge smile pulling at her lips, as she finally realised that she had to inform the man that she loved, that soon he would be a father.

Quickly she made her way through the kingdom. She knew all too well where her husband would be at this time of the day. The King of the Mark, always taking time out of his day to go and see the horses in the stables. Éomer often saying that he would love more time to just go out riding. That he would love to take her to watch the tall, lush grass move in the winds, like waves on the seas. But she knew that that would have to wait a little longer, now. That she was sure that as soon as the words left her mouth, her wonderful husband would take to treating her like the finest of glass. But she didn't mind. Despite what he would always say, she knew deep down that Éomer would love a child. And she also knew that when this little one was born, he would be as great a father as he was a king.

As she got to the stable, (Y/n) stopped. The queen taking a deep breath and doing her best to steady her nerves. Even though she knew that he would be overjoyed with the news, it was still big news. News that would take some time for both of them to realise was true. And then when she had told him. The next ones to tell would be her brother and Arwen. (Y/n) sure that Éomer would send a rider almost straight away to Gondor with the joyous news.

"I knew that I would find you here." (Y/n) chuckled, as she finally made her way into the stables. Éomer smiling and pulling her into his arms as she drew close. Her love kissing her softly, before he looked at her with his hazel-green eyes.

"What did the healer say?" Éomer enquired. The king well aware that his bride had been being unwell for some time. His brows furrowing in concern, as (Y/n) pulled away from him.

"About that..........I have some news............" (Y/n) began. Éomer feeling his heart drop as he looked at his beautiful bride. As he saw the nervousness on her perfect visage.

Ever since he had first laid eyes on her, he had known that he would love her for the rest of his days. And just the thought of anything happening to her. Of losing her, was enough to make his soul break.

"What is it (Y/n)? Please tell me..............." Éomer asked, as he pulled her back into his arms and held her tight.

"It's nothing, really. It would just appear that I am..........well, pregnant................." The queen explained. The air in the stables becoming quiet. Even the horses seeming to be taken aback by the words that she had just said.

"'re.............?" Éomer tried to ask. His eyes wide, as his wife moved so that she could look up at him. (Y/n) nodding softly.

" can't...........I thought..........Are you sure?" The king continued. Not sure what to think or say, as his wife took his hand and placed it on her stomach.

"It would appear that the gods have smiled on us, my love. Einaar has assured me that it is true. I am with child. With your child. The king and his realm will finally have an heir." (Y/n) replied. A soft, small squeal leaving her lips, as Éomer took her into his arms and carried her out of the stables. A large smile spread across his face from ear to ear.

"Éomer........what are you doing? Where are we going..............?"

"Firstly, I am taking you to our rooms where you will rest. Then a will have a rider sent to inform your brother and Arwen of our good news. I will have riders sent throughout the kingdom with the news. After that, I'm coming back to spend the rest of the day with you." Éomer explained. (Y/n) just chuckling and resting her head on his shoulder, having a feeling that this was going to be a very long nine months. 

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