Rivals - Part 2 - Haldir x Reader

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(Y/n) placed some more of her things into the bag. After Haldir had been called to go and see Lady Galadriel, she had left her men and made her way back to her rooms. She was still taken aback by what she had been told earlier that day; that she would be journeying to Imladris to be wed to Lindir, the equerry of Lord Elrond. An ellon that she had met on her journeys beyond the borders of Lothlorien. An ellon that she had liked, but marriage............With the best intentions, Lindir spent his days helping the half-elven lord in the comfort of the beautiful and safe surroundings of Elrond's rooms. He was the face of Imladris when its lord was not there, the welcomer of guests; an ellon that had never known what it was to fight, to put himself in danger to protect others and the realm. He didn't know what it was to travel and see all the wonders that Middle Earth had to offer. In truth, if she had ever thought of marriage, it would have been to another soldier; an ellon that was more like her. An ellon with which she shared things, could share things. One that understood her. But, she knew that she could do far worse than Lindir. He was handsome, and was a good ellon, a sweet and kind creature that had done nothing but want to see her smile when she had been in Imladris; and she was sure that he would do all he could to make her welcome and happy..............

Happy...............the marchwarden of the southern borders thought, as she took a seat on her bed. Imladris was beautiful, a sight to behold; she respected Lord Elrond a great deal, and Lindir really was nice; but would all that make her happy? She was happy where she was, as she was. She had a bond with her men, most of whom she had known from being an elfling. She knew the southern border like the back of her hand and had protected it with her life. She had been born and raised in the Golden Wood; her parents had been the personal guards of the lord and lady, before they had made their way to the undying lands. So, to leave.........to leave for good, was a notion that she wasn't savouring.

Yet there was one more thing, or should that be, one other, that she knew that she would miss more than her home; and that was Haldir. It was a ridiculous thing to say, given their rivalry; but it was he that meant more to her than anything. She could never quite pinpoint when this silly competition between them had begun. In truth, she had more in common with Haldir than she had with anyone else. They were alike in so many ways; so, perhaps that was why their foolish conflict had come into being. But whatever it was, it had lasted for so long now, that she couldn't really remember a time when they hadn't clashed; and here and now, it all seemed like time that had been wasted. Time that she should have spent trying to get to know him better, to become friends rather than enemies. To become.................but all that was now wishful thinking. All that would never come to be; for now, when the sun rose in the morning, she would have to say goodbye to Lothlórien, to say goodbye to her old life. Haldir eventually becoming nothing more than a distant memory. (Y/n) actually sure that he would be glad to see that she had gone.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. The elleth pushing the coat into her bag, before making her way to the ingress. The marchwarden doing her best not to smile, as she saw the young ellon that had ruined Haldir's shot earlier.

"The Lady Galadriel would like to see you." He informed her. (Y/n) nodding before making her way out of her rooms. The elleth following the younger ellon to the lady's rooms. The lady of light smiling as the young elf held open the door for (Y/n).

"My lady...............?"

"Someone will be escorting you to Imladris.............."

"An escort, my lady? I assure you that I do not need an escort. I am perfectly capable..............."

"I have asked Haldir............."

"Haldir?!" (Y/n) interrupted. Not sure what to think about this information. It was going to be hard enough for her to leave as it was; but she had thought that she had seen the last of Haldir already. That she could just slip away and let his memory slowly fade from her mind. Yet having him, of all those that called Lothlórien home, escorting her to Imladris, escorting her to her husband to be, was going to make all this so much harder.

"Yes, Haldir. Lord Elrond and I wish you to arrive safely. He has sent word that Lindir is quite anxious to see you again; and with the increase in roaming packs of wargs and their riders between here and Imladris, we believe that it would be better that you had someone with you. And I cannot think of anyone better than Haldir..........can you?" Galadriel explained, as she made her way over to the marchwarden. (Y/n) knowing that she could not protest. Knowing that there was little point in telling the lady that she in truth, had feelings for Haldir. That if she could choose, she would say no to Lindir, that she would rather wed Haldir. But decisions had been made, Haldir was her rival and felt nothing for her; and whether she said goodbye now, or at Imladris, she had already lost him.

"No, my lady. I can think of no one better than Haldir." (Y/n) agreed; the marchwarden looking up as Galadriel placed her hand on her shoulder.

"All will be well, (Y/n). Just trust in me, and enjoy your journey.........." 

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