Fairy - Part 4 - Lindir x Reader

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(Y/n) and Lindir sat in the office. The ellon smiling as he listened to his little fairy sing softly to the birds that had come to rest on the balcony. It had been many moons now since Lindir had met (Y/n). Many moons since he had come to know her well. The two now spending most of their time together. (Y/n) only leaving her pretty elves side, when she had told him that there were things around the realm that only fairies could deal with. That only fairies could know. Yet no matter where she was, or what she was doing, she would return to him whenever he called her name three times.

At night, the pair would talk. Laugh. The ellon listening as the sprite would sing while he played the harp. And when the sky grew dark, (Y/n) would curl up on his chest. Her tiny form wrapped in the ellon's long dark hair. The two falling asleep to the sound of the chirping insects. Lindir sure that he had never been happier than he was since he had met her. The only thing that he wished, was that his beautiful fairy, could be his. That he could tell her how he felt for her. That he could ask the tiny little creature to be his bride. Yet he that nothing could change her from being a fairy or he from an elf. He knew that he would have to love her just as she was. And he knew that he would love her until he was no more.

Lindir had been left in charge of the realm while Lord Elrond had gone out with some of his men to hunt down a pack of orcs that had come up from the south. (Y/n) happily agreeing to help her ellon with the daily business while the lord was gone. Yet as that afternoon had worn on, (Y/n) had begun to grow restless. To appear to be lost in her thoughts. To seem to be, or want to be, somewhere else.

"Are you bored?" Lindir enquired, as (Y/n) let out a heavy sigh. The fairy flitting back into the room.

"No, I'm not bored. I'm never bored when I'm with you. Its just that I've been thinking a lot recently. Thinking about..........well, thinking about you and me." (Y/n) explained, as she sat on the piece of parchment in front of him. Lindir placing his quill down, hoping that (Y/n) wasn't going to tell him that she was leaving. That she no longer wanted to be with him. That she preferred another elf.

"What about you and I?" Lindir replied nervously, as he waited for her to continue.

"Well.......I was wondering what you thought about me? Whether you.......if you liked me? I know that we are very different in some ways. But in other, more important ways, we are very similar. And I have just been wondering if you could see passed out differences and like me. I know that you are a lot bigger than me. That I'm not an elf. But I was hoping that you might like me as much as I like you. That you might want to like me for a long time. Maybe even for the rest of our lives." (Y/n) explained nervously. The sprite messing with the hem of her dress, as she waited for her pretty ellon's thoughts.

Lindir couldn't help but feel himself smile. Couldn't help but feel his heart quake at her confession. (Y/n) liked him as much as he liked her. She wanted to be with him until the end of their days. He felt himself chuckle at their foolishness. (Y/n)'s eyes flying up at the sound. The fairy hoping that he wasn't going to tell her that it was a ridiculous idea. That an elf could never truly care for a fairy. But before Lindir could confess that he liked her in return. That he would be happy to have her as his for the rest of their days, the tiny creature buzzed up into the air. (Y/n) appearing to be alerted by something or someone that Lindir could neither see nor hear.

"What is it, (Y/n)?"

"We have visitors, Lindir. And from the sound of their footfalls and the smell, our visitors are dwarves." (Y/n) began, before she disappeared from the room, only to return with a huge smile on her face. The fairy pulling on the ellon's hair to get him to rise to his feet.

"Come, you must come, Lindir. We must greet our guests. I haven't seen a dwarf in an eon. And I want to find out about the little one that's with them." (Y/n) giggled, as she flitted around. Waiting for Lindir to straighten his robes.

"Little one? What little one? What are you talking about, (Y/n)? Do you mean the dwarves that are with Gandalf?"

"Well, how many other dwarves do you know of that have been making their way here? But it's not them I'm interested in. It's not even the little one. Its him I want to see. He is the only one that can help. Now come on." (Y/n) explained. The fairy the giddiest that Lindir had ever seen her, as they made their way to the stairs. The ellon wondering if this "him" was the wizard. And if it was, then what was the help that she was referring to.


Lindir made his way down the stairs, the little fairy waiting impatiently for him to follow. The ellon's eyes falling on the group. Falling on Gandalf.

"Mithrandir." Lindir greeted. (Y/n) taking her usual place on his shoulder as he made his way to the bottom of the stairs. Lindir's brows furrowing as he saw the shocked look on the wizard's face, as (Y/n) waved at him. The Ishtar seeming to give a tiny wave back before he returned to greeting the elf.

"Ah, Lindir." Gandalf smiled, his attention seeming to be slightly drawn away by the tiny creature that was now flittering around his companions.

"We had heard that you had crossed into the valley."

"I must speak with Lord Elrond." Gandalf continued. His tone turning serious, as he tried his best to ignore the excited little sprite that was examining each of the dwarves, and their little burglar, in great detail. The fairy not appearing to hear as Lindir explained that Lord Elrond was not there. Not seeming to hear, as the horn sounded. Not seeming to care, as the half elven lord and his men returned from the hunt and surrounded their visitors. Her ears only picking up when Gandalf explained to an angry dwarf, that Lord Elrond was offering the company food. (Y/n) giggling, as the dwarves discussed, briefly, whether they should take them up on the offer. The sprite flying over and settling on the wizard's shoulder, as he followed after the company. Lindir watching, as the Ishtar seemed to talk in hushed tones to the tiny little female on his shoulder.   

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