Jealous - Part 3 - Bofur x Reader

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Apologies for my lack of updates, I fell from a ladder and hurt my back, and have been laid up for the last week. But now that I can finally sit up again, I hope that I can get back on track. Hope you enjoy this new chapter.

(Y/n) sniffed, as she raised her head from the wet pillow. The dwarrowdam feeling exhausted from crying; her eyes red and poofy from all the tears that she had shed. Why out of all the dwarves that had returned to the mountain, did she have to lose her heart to Bofur? Yes, he was sweet, yes, he was kind; yes, he was funny and given that he had been part of Thorin's company, he was brave too, having faced all the adversities that he, her brothers, and the others had had to face. But still.............Bofur.

Slowly she got up from the bed, wanting to cry again, as she saw herself in the mirror that hung on the wall. Sure, that she looked awful; it no wonder that the eye of the toymaker seemed to fall on every other dwarrowdam, but her. The youngest child of Fundin, wondering what she should do next; what she should do if she wasn't going to be filling her days with painting Bofur's creations. How the time of the sister of the head advisor and captain of the king's guard, might be spent, now that she wasn't going to be spending time in the workshop. Wondering what she was going to tell Balin; praying to Aulë, that her oldest brother would tell Dwalin about the fact that she and Bofur had parted ways, so she wouldn't have to. (Y/n) well aware that Balin was far better at controlling Dwalin's temper than she was. Her large brother only needing to see a tear in her eye, to be ready to attack the person or thing that may have caused that tear. But as much as she had always appreciated Dwalin's protection, the thought of him chasing after Bofur, screaming blue murder with either Grasper or Keeper clutched in his fists, was not one she wanted to think about.

"Who is it............?" She called out; doing her best to control her emotions, as there was a sudden knock on the door. (Y/n) using her apron to wipe away any remaining tears from her cheeks, and brushing back her hair, as she waited for an answer.


Bofur was once more running through the corridors of the Mountain. Dodging the others that milled around, as he made his way to find (Y/n). He had told her that perhaps she should go to her rooms and rest, the toymaker hoping that was where she was; that she hadn't been upset enough to leave the safety of their home. Bofur not liking the idea of having to go back and tell the sons of Fundin that their sister was nowhere to be found; well aware of how deeply Balin and Dwalin cared for (Y/n). Hating to think what the large dwarf would do to him, if he found out that he had upset her to the point where she could put herself in all manner of danger. Bofur sure that if it came to that, and no matter what Balin had said, he would no longer have their blessing to court (Y/n).

Court (Y/n)...........he actually had their permission to court (Y/n). The idea bringing a huge smile to his lips. Well, he would court her if she would listen to him. If she would let him explain that there was no need for her to be jealous. That he didn't want any of the other dwarrowdams that had come back to the Mountain; he wanted her, the most beautiful, wonderful, amazing dwarrowdam in the whole of Middle Earth. A dwarrowdam that was exquisite enough to be a queen; but had chosen to love a humble toymaker, instead. Bofur sure, that if he could get out the words to suitably express his love, then he would have a greater jewel than any in the Mountain, even the Arkenstone.

In truth, he would never have believed that he could be so lucky. It was true to say that he had been told that he had a certain amount of charm, as far as dwarrowdams were concerned; yet finding one that he wished to court, one that he could love, and would love him in return, had always seemed as if it were something for others; especially when he and Bombur had chosen to help Thorin. The prospect of death, always hanging over their heads. Yet when he had least expected it; when the notion of love had been the furthest thing from his mind, there she had been, in all her glory. Her beautiful smile and sparkling eyes, making him believe that Aulë had sent her, just for him. And thanks to Bilbo, he now knew that she loved him, as much as he loved her.

Finally, the sounds of his booted footfalls came to a halt, as he arrived at (Y/n)'s door; Bofur taking a moment to catch his breath and make sure that he hadn't lost the little box within which the specially created courting beads nestled, before reaching out his hand and knocking. The toymaker taking a deep breath, as he heard a voice from the other side of the door, call out; enquiring who it was. The words seeming to catch in his throat, as he finally replied.

"Its me..........Its Bofur.............." 

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