Water Maiden - Part 1 - Bilbo x Reader

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Request for Cap-Ton. I hope that you enjoy.

Bilbo finally had to admit that he was bored. It had been sometime since he had returned to the Shire. Sometime since he had left his dwarf friends back at the Lonely Mountain. And sometime since he had had an adventure. He had so looked forward to seeing the green rolling hills of his home again. To be able to sit in his garden at Bag End. And everything had been fine for a while. But it was true what Gandalf had told him, that he would never be the same after his journey, and Bilbo wanted something more than just another day of sit on his bench outside his front door, watching as the world went by. But adventures in the Shire were not things that you normally came by. The last big news being when Giseler Chubbs sow had had piglets.

Bilbo chewed on the end of his pipe and let out a heavy sigh. What he wouldn't give to see Gandalf come over the hill. What he wouldn't do to see some of the dwarven company walk through his door and sit down for tea. What he wouldn't sacrifice to see his friend Thorin again. But deep down he knew that Gandalf was probably off creating havoc in some other poor creatures' life. That the dwarves were busy rebuilding their lives back in Erebor. And Thorin, well Thorin he would have to wait to see in the next life.

"Anno Harfoot and Remi Mugwort. Where are you two off to?" Bilbo asked the two little hobbits as they made their way past Bag End. The pair giggling happily as they ran down the path.

"We're off to the river Mister Baggins. We are going fishing." The dark haired hobbit informed him. Both of the little ones showing Bilbo their rods. That were in fact, nothing but long sticks with bits of string attached to one end.

"Fishing. Of course!" Bilbo exclaimed, as he raced back inside his home, threw open the door to a small cupboard, and began to rummage around. Things flying as he searched for his own old rod.

It had been years since he had been down to the river to fish. He had always enjoyed the time alone, the solitude. The way it allowed him to think, and just be one with the water and the world. A little solitude was just what he needed. A little time to think about his life. About what had been, and what was to come. And maybe, if he was very lucky, he might just even catch a fish for dinner.

"Found it." Bilbo called out triumphantly as grabbed his rod and wicker fishing basket. Pulling the duo out from under a pile of boxes. The Hobbit racing out of his home, past the two small hobbits, and down to the river to a little spot that he would always fish when he was younger. It being the deepest part of the gently flowing stretch of water. The spot that some would throw in a net and leave, in hopes of catching a shining, shimmering bounty, that they could sell the next day in the market.

With a happy whistle, Bilbo found a spot under a great oak, that cast a cooling shadow over the water and settled down. Casting his line into the beautiful blue depths as he fell back against the trunk of the tree. Closing his eyes and humming softly as a warm breeze rustled through the leafy canopy above him.

Just as Bilbo found himself drifting off into a pleasant slumber, a soft sound of crying made him sit up. His eyes scanning the surroundings as he searched for the source of the pained sound.

"Hello?" Bilbo called out, as he got to his feet. The sound getting slightly louder as he moved to the bank. His toes gripping into the grass as he stood at the edge. The land dropping away to the deepest part of the river.

"Hello." The Hobbit called out again, as he moved closer to the drop. A sudden movement from the water making him jump back.

"Help me. Please." A beautifully melodious voice replied as Bilbo cautiously returned to the edge. His eyes growing wide as he saw the face of the most beautiful creature that he had ever seen. The female apparently trapped in one of the nets.

"Is......is everything alright?" Bilbo asked, as he lay down on the bank and stared down at the exquisite vision. Her hair, that boasted the most glorious hues of green and blue, floating through the hole in the net and out into the stream.

"I got caught. I think I'm hurt. Can you help me? Please." The female replied. Bilbo momentarily getting lost in her eyes. Eyes that seemed as deep and dark as the mines of Erebor.

"I, er.............yes. Just wait there." Bilbo replied, as he sprung to his feet. Looking around for the other end of the net, and a way to bring the exquisite creature back up onto dry land.

It didn't occur to the hobbit to ask why the female was in the river. Or how she had got caught in the net. Not even to ask who, and what she was. All Bilbo knew was that he had to help. And the sudden sound of a pained cry pushed him all the more to assist the beautiful being.

"I found the other end of the net. I'll try and pull you to a shallower part of the river. Then up onto the bank." Bilbo called out as he grabbed the net firmly in his hands and began to pull. Tearing it away from where it had become entangled on a large root. The mesh luckily moving easily, as the current pushed the female effortlessly further downstream. Her body settling on a small sandy bank.

Bilbo stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes growing wide as he was now able to get a better look at the trapped creature. She was like nothing he had ever seen before. Her torso appeared to be as naked as the day she was born. The only thing concealing her modestly, the damp hair that stuck to her flesh like a second skin. Her features resembled those of an elf, with flawless skin, slightly pointed ears, and delicate features. But what stood her apart from any elf, and indeed any creature that he had met on his long journey with Thorin and the rest of the company, was the appendage that had taken the place of her legs. There, shimmering, and glistening in the light of the early afternoon, was a tail. The iridescent scales that littered it length, reminding the hobbit of some wonderous, and fabled fish.

"Can you help me out?" The creature asked, as she pulled at the net. Bilbo jumping down onto the sand, and carefully pulling at the strands of her trap. The beautiful female smiling broadly, as Bilbo pulled the last of the netting from her form.

Bilbo stood back. Taking in every last inch of the being. Desperately hoping that she wouldn't just turn and disappear back into the water.

"I'm........I'm Bilbo. Bilbo Baggins. Its nice to meet you." Bilbo told her, as his thrust out his hand for her to shake. The female looking between his hand and face. The confusion evident in her features.

"You shake it." Bilbo informed her. Cautiously reaching out and taking her hand, placing it in his and shaking it.

"It is very nice to meet you, Bilbo. Bilbo Baggins. My name is (Y/n). I don't think that I have ever seen your kind before. I have seen many things in the great oceans. Men, and even elves that sail the seas. But I am sure that I would have remembered if I had ever seen anything as pretty as you." (Y/n) replied. Bilbo blushing slightly at her compliment.

"Well, I'm a hobbit, and you are in the Shires. Hobbiton to be precise. And I can truthfully say that in have never seen your kind before either. Because if I had seen anything as beautiful as you are, I too would have remembered." Bilbo told her. (Y/n) chuckling softly, as she looked up into his eyes.

"Then this meeting is a first for both of us. For I am a Water maiden." (Y/n) informed the still shocked hobbit. Bilbo believing that he had just found his next adventure.    

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